The Times Cryptic - Crossword Answers | 2019 05 14

crossword answers
Clue Answer
The French officer retreats, becoming confined LOCAL
Claim poet is misguided, having old-fashioned ideas about the stars? PTOLEMAIC
Problem with electricity supply has firm in torment SCOURGE
Worker perhaps, one not pro ANTI
Infection starting very innocently rocks us seriously VIRUS
Low grades, although it is the first performance DEBUT
Miserable day in which to be sick WRETCHED
More than a hundred were spotted in film DALMATIANS
Not allow one to leave peaceful feast BANQUET
One after another, good books go in one large container IN TURN
Overweight woman’s shape brings older advisor FATHER FIGURE
Pessimistic, vintage being ruined by tail of hurricane NEGATIVE
Praise one’s given to Poet Laureate briefly in review COMPLIMENT
Rock up: best place for circus BIG TOP
Secure first of goals, playing on this? WING
Shaved hair not coming back, certainly TONSURE
Step up and look to speak STAIR
Strike together, making nasty wound round knight GNASH
Turn down goal after review that’s extended long-drawn-out
Hang on: that is underclothing LINGERIE
Ace, endlessly gloomy, has nothing lovingly expressed AMOROSO
Agreement to impose restraining influence on prisoner CONCORD
Appealed, having switched sides, for subs DUES
Artful nude, terribly dishonest FRAUDULENT
Attempted to get lid off box of delights? TROVE
Bit of skeleton encountered west of a Turkish city METATARSUS
Caution about English — result of much study? WEARINESS
Charlie departing for good in order to get academic award DEGREE
Crowd departs on journey lacking purpose? DROVE
Democrat in running to be US President once HARDING
Destructive fly makes one terrified FRIT
Disruptions — music-maker is not playing VIOLATIONS
Drink in African camp LAGER
Exposing cleric somewhere in London REVEALING
Fellow works to produce plan MANOEUVRE
He has batted in cricket match briefly — in struggle for this? THE ASHES
Helicopter heading off, one making short trip? HOPPER
Hiding pain, the Parisian wastes away LANGUISHES
Kind of average temperature after spring well-meant
Make listener listen finally EARN
Male leading Queen, an experienced performer STAGER
No time for stifling expression of disgust, revealing nothing NOUGHT
Orthodox believer possesses half-formed notion HASID
Piano player ultimately avoids Chopin's pieces maybe PRELUDES
Plant for making mixed drink SHRUB
Precious one getting lost somehow gets back RECOUPS
Shopping facility everyone's found by motorway MALL
Team on top of list? One could be up against the wall! SIDE TABLE
A curious flower ARUM
A little tonic being added, miss the glass? SPLASH
Awnings in varieties of colours SHADES
Chap tours hot Belgian city GHENT
Chord fluffed in opera gig ARPEGGIO
Fuss — daughter joins in also to-do