The Times Cryptic - Crossword Answers | 2019 10 22

crossword answers
Clue Answer
Intelligence of kinfolk? INFO
Discovering strange and flashy jewellery RUMBLING
Star rode about in open-top car ROADSTER
Chairmen regularly feel concern CARE
Hooked cadet did badly ADDICTED
Sell death-trap missing odd parts for prolonged quarrel VENDETTA
Sheep, black is a bit of a fast fighter? RAMJET
Support flogging for a violent reaction BACKLASH
United previously eliminating clubs ONE
What tea does at home — fine with us English INFUSE
Hard coming in to deal with possibility of trouble THREAT
Eccentric drunken widower giving out whiskey WEIRDO
Dislike a particular edition AVERSION
A key opening for period before Christmas ADVENT
Advance for the UK’s currency PROPOUND
Burn saint concerning a mass STREAM
Cast embracing chap showing compassion HUMANE
Corner quite the opposite of satisfactory NOOK
Creator of grid seen to be twisted DESIGNER
Current desperate before court is not going straight INDIRECT
A person barely to be seen on such a beach? NUDIST
Abashed, wait to make good HANGDOG
Blood round end of fingers, after touching this? GORSE
Cheers poker challenge? SEE YOU
Composer’s Swiss mug? BERNSTEIN
Drop mark? Managed to keep it DISCARD
Drug, said to give Macbeth hallucination DAGGA
Excellent spinner cut top-notch
First takes this money order, revolutionary symbol CHEQUERED FLAG
Chest bone found in tumulus near the end MORIBUND
Notice small storage container SPOT
One serving island in the sea, perhaps WAITER
Force wife, after adjusting, to meet everyone WATERFALL
Furniture has notice inside square base four-poster bed
Group under attack puts off accepting downfall DEFENDERS
Long ago got onto small problem for horse sway-back
Model piece of text shortly disappeared PARAGON
Money is spurned by saint FRANC
Number five brought into the world, inhaling oxygen BORON
Be inclined to be skinny LEAN
Obscure eastern doctrine recollected RECONDITE
One has to ask about balance POISE
One of seven enzymes failing out of medium SNEEZY
Power in sacred object and a copy REPLICA
Rhinestone, a national symbol SHAMROCK
River’s course under the sea MEDWAY
Second-hand book starts to get you transported BUSED
Seeks sustenance over a long time FORAGES
Slip carelessly on treacherous surface, not a success NO DICE
Think right, following Tory party CONSIDER
To lacerate is frightening, if poking inside SCARIFY
With some footballers, speed is key BACKSPACE
Worker on drug getting advantage UPPER HAND