The Times Cryptic - Crossword Answers | 2019 11 07

crossword answers
Clue Answer
Gun manufacturer said to be an honest broker PEACEMAKER
In nightmare perversely argue with two bishops BUGBEAR
Spot child eating fly SMIDGEON
Stay with reactionary American while away SUSPEND
Theft by the Tories? It’s a plot! CONSPIRACY
What keeps the old folk mobile? BUS PASS
What snooker player does the wrong way round in bar STOP
Wheeler-dealer’s stage performance? Flipping rubbish! OPERATOR
Who’s head of Mafia family? Legendary old Greek ADONIS
As well-placed models presumably are when sitting? PRETTY
Austere knight leaves climb in Cairngorms, primarily ASCETIC
Beg to get church involved in ballet movement ENTRECHAT
Book house overlooking ocean HOSEA
Buccaneer’s reportedly indelicate manner CORSAIR
Churchyard tree the solver talked of YEW
Deliver poem perhaps about spectacle mentioned in speech RECITE
Disturbing a French kid he produces a nose rag HANDKERCHIEF
Endlessly stylish Greek character CHI
Fellow doctor supports beloved, a source of sweetness HONEYCOMB
Grumble when husband gets in hock, perhaps WHINE
Hard man with practical skills HANDY
High-ranking Asian woman say taken in by tramp BEGUM
Military policeman in preferred capacity REDCAP
One reigning over a long period ERA
Person teasing cleric, one leaving Worcs town KIDDERMINSTER
Rule again, suffering spasmodic pain NEURALGIA
Secure area of the sea SOUND
Seedy soldiers kept in subject to argument DISREPUTABLE
Single chap from east embracing old woman NAOMI
Sort of lynx bishop caught in seagoing vessel BOBCAT
Stories appearing in American anthologies ANA
Stupid British artist getting out more? BRAINLESS
Soldier perhaps catching disease far away ABSENT
Restriction on amphetamine usage? SPEED LIMIT
Rest of university engaged in lie RESIDUE
Policemen’s ball held here? COP SHOP
Paint Hope nursing men brutish at heart PORTRAY
Old man’s attempt to make some dough PASTRY
Without money in Tehran, terribly distressed HEARTBROKEN
Novelist recalling old church ECO
Name of third-born registered in Somerset House SETH
Mob must be mad, losing billions ARMY
Loot harbour, causing misery SPOILSPORT
Amends article skewering coppers PENANCE
Impulsive Yank soon antes up SPONTANEOUS
Idiosyncratic member of parliament having name for Liberal OWN
Dictator’s parentage in dispute DISSENT
Catch half-decent fish ENTANGLE
Broadcast is just what bald Cockney needs? AIR
Back with leader moving east in old Portuguese possession GOA
Rum methods wife deployed — don’t tell anyone MUMS THE WORD
Her sons cut the damaged tree HORSE CHESTNUT
Rebuked in hearing and carried away RAPT
Put thus St Mary is a very clever person smarty-pants