The Times Cryptic - Crossword Answers | 2019 11 27

crossword answers
Clue Answer
Prospect of travel document consuming time VISTA
What male dinosaurs could make you? MISANDROUS
March features one short horse with bullock following? EQUINOX
City just to the west of delta in ricefields LIMA
Pants one would be expecting to be up! DUFF
Work for a while that doctor may take, briefly TEMP
Where greedy children save? PIGGY BANK
To purify church, is inclined to enter CLEANSE
European champion who is clearing out his house? EVICTOR
Final move is to examine partner CHECKMATE
Gesture from breaker WAVE
Get together in a service AMASS
Helping to prune opening of formal speech RATION
Miniature version of ancient city, omitting river TOY
Not accept rubbish REFUSE
Old kingdom of Crimea devastated MERCIA
One could be Yellow, Red or Black, but conventionally blue SEA
Part of Europe that’s a jewel? EMERALD ISLE
Penalties extremely severe for bridge manoeuvre FINESSE
Prohibit part of garden? Yes DENY
River delta where peas grow POD
Sickly-looking magician’s prop incomplete WAN
Teach artist to open some paint? TRAIN
Disaster round hospital, a spectator devastated CATASTROPHE
Appearance of people informally mentioned GUISE
Cloth is wonderful: sumptuous, almost FABRIC
Companion ordering sec to Asia ASSOCIATE
Cook for example is an officer CAPTAIN
Delightful person who works with snakes? CHARMER
Determined soldier must support a parent ADAMANT
Unavoidable day matron goes mad MANDATORY
A house and a car for one turning heads GEMINI
Born bully? TAUREAN
Chap getting publicity free, still concentrating on features? HEADSHOT
City brothels in kinky shows HELSINKI
Commander leading a team reaching peak in S America COTOPAXI
Dickensian orphan Twist in desperate reversal, having no one EDWIN DROOD
Exotic bit of verse could go oddly astray ESCUDO
Expend least effort, as chiropodists do without hesitation CUT CORNERS
Fungus, note, will, finally, before the day’s up MILDEW
Gather friar eats in school TUCK
Gridlocked, perhaps, in transport leaving city STATIC
Insults mate with false respect LIP SERVICE
Legendary red ointment for child that’s really dear CHERUB
My part reduced after reflecting LOR
One’s accompanying the Queen visiting military hospital and mess MISHMASH
Put out, I carp KOI
Readily accept doctor, popular with family DRINK IN
Seeks zoom lens to snap area imposing restrictions SMOKELESS ZONE
Something digital newspaper makes undesirable TOERAG
These usen’t to get worked up about harmful emission? ECONUTS
Thursday broadcast’s before 9 STREWTH
To get around scale, after old-fashioned drill square-bashing
Vegetable to go after in place of game SQUASH COURT
Very close, offering affection HAND IN GLOVE
Wrong start, therefore ignoring that OFFENCE