The Times Cryptic - Crossword Answers | 2019 11 28

crossword answers
Clue Answer
A drug man, roughly, with tips for remedy? APOTHECARY
Abridged great book, for example EPITOME
Note monarch from the east is no lone wolf MIXER
Inspired film about Edda appearing regularly IMBUED
Adult FM broadcast for land near estuary? MUDFLAT
Carbon copier for skip CAPER
Cuts of meat, tart, starters of kedgeree, salad FLANKS
Eg, Great Britain consumer acquiring kitchen implement egg-beater
Fail to broadcast GIVE OUT
Fantastic sort of light: legendary FABLED
Fashions in time followed by tears TRENDS
Game of rugby to start late, as likely as not? EVENS
Girl displaying knowledge in parties DOLORES
Important meeting with German on the whole SUMMIT
In the tolerant fashion of one planning Norfolk holiday? broad-mindedly
Inadequately organised foreign articles, pruned in advance? UNDERPREPARED
Area cultivated is doubled, part for farmers APIARISTS
Cabinetmaker's action — one that ensures new deal? RESHUFFLE
Chat about small sources of illumination GASLIGHTS
Company hasn't time to make suppositions GUESS
Corps of soldiers love my job getting harder, permanently THERMOSETTING
Note about a popular song in S Pacific island TAHITI
Note girl, bourgeois MIDDLE CLASS
Prestige without end, so duke reflected KUDOS
Rather dull line in food DRYISH
Solve value n, somehow about right UNRAVEL
Strikes on the wrists? CUFFS
Warden Amos off touring plant MEADOW SAFFRON
Wildly boo a preacher, vicar initially blameless ABOVE REPROACH
Words from actors: like when Caesar about to die? ASIDES
African's vote — I'm surprised about it XHOSA
Departed before improvement from one side? LATERALLY
Doomed liberal America almost past saving IRRECLAIMABLE
Drums, monkey stopping to beat one TIMPANI
Get front of Turkish rug TWIG
Gold piece comes first for Florida resident, say GATOR
Involve relative wearing green the wrong way EMBROIL
King follows his noble, barking Great Dane NIELS BOHR
Leaders of town hall are supposed to provide idea THOUGHT
Least idle, yet nap endlessly BUSIEST
Letters from Nepali centrally displaying Chinese symbol PANDA
On appeal, this could prove tedious REPETITION
Ray in student group returning smile SUNBEAM
Round figure doctor holds up in window, perhaps OPENING
Somewhat nearer a reddish pink? RARE
Strip protection from team without right back UNARM
Swimmers after water sport gathering in training place FINISHING SCHOOL
This person's appealing on record for revered architect IMHOTEP
Warmer kind of blue and white escort's coat ELECTRIC BLANKET