The Times Cryptic - Crossword Answers | 2020 01 09

crossword answers
Clue Answer
Tree found in Angel Meadow ELM
What’s held by raja’s perfect gemstone JASPER
Type to keep quiet in game SPORT
Keep mum, say, closer SHUTTER
What sounds like rough plan of action COURSE
All getting excited in some short race SLALOM
A number show anger outside church in American port ANCHORAGE
A learner, individual without any classmates? ALONE
King to behave theatrically to get control REMOTE
It's about the tax TITHE
Old, old Asian brought up a problem with fluid OEDEMA
Smart police force once occupying small gym SPRUCE
Harmony when worker's organisation accepts old Bob UNISON
Get on a short distance in a clapped-out Sierra MOUNTAIN CHAIN
Fate of man with wicked wife LOT
Fierce girl enthralling any number VIOLENT
Faulty fence — it I'd replaced DEFICIENT
Junior minister to organise exhibitions CURATE
Five score for former county division HUNDRED
Rash, one caused by such a fire? UNGUARDED
Ready way around cutting grass HARD CASH
Pointless showing wit and energy NO USE
Talks about river, providing maps CHARTS
Occupant of bed regrets you're taking it back OYSTER
Argue concerning a member of the family REASON
Boat departs, given access to fuel? It's undecided SUB JUDICE
Building journalist provided rocks EDIFICE
Bishop visiting killer's shack CABIN
Blaise, perhaps, having way with pen MODESTY
Capital raging at New Labour ULAN BATOR
Like good gardener's area for putting on felt green-fingered
One missed wandering around American city DES MOINES
Not strict? That is forbidden ultimately in period of austerity LENIENT
Moderate papers holding centre ground finally close INTERCEDE
Fancy one short speech is using computer technology? DIGITAL
Left one timid person squeezing in vehicle LIMOUSINE
New fashion, the latest from our collection MODERN
Man maybe taking risks, losing races BEING
A tick for one old king skipping posh old school ARTHROPOD
Appropriate article that is very penetrating THIEVE
Flyer with current data about something resembling egg? WIGEON
In the morning fellow is found in capital city AMMAN
Maybe tense people beset by its forebodings PRESENTIMENTS
One odd curtain out of place with clashing colours? UNCOORDINATED
One large officer, half upset, is unsuitable ill-timed
Person shouting to muffle regularly good singer YODELLER
Something flowery one man replanted to cover middle of bed ANEMONE
Improve drench that's painful RETOUCH
Sailor losing heart, away getting fish TROUT
Stuck my job, having abandoned India CLUNG
Recommends lawyers ADVOCATES
Train skater in West Indies to take up another sport water-ski