The Times Cryptic - Crossword Answers | 2020 06 10

crossword answers
Clue Answer
My American soldier's dog CORGI
Reason soldier in company left in retreat LOGIC
Mammal frantic in a small stream with reduced oxygen ARMADILLO
Feel strong desire to be free of European story YARN
Spot invaded by American bear SUSTAIN
The French general died very famous LEGEND
Tree spotted with extremities eaten away APPLE
Trifle with pretty girl carrying a pistol BAGATELLE
View of society held by Sackville-West, say VISTA
Walk round Lake District? PLACE
What to say at bedtime about following evening NIGHTFALL
What’s used for a light fabric CANDLEWICK
A Catholic circle needs more than one ARC
A female repeatedly publicises romantic liaisons AFFAIRS
Artist offering some modern stuff ERNST
Attire for important woman at the match WEDDING DRESS
First half of series about writers, one writer in particular SPENSER
Gee — ancient and precious stuff GOLD
Holy woman, a Bishop Elizabeth ABBESS
Modern musician's back, turning up with two pianos included RAPPER
Nasty old boy turning violent in old constituency ROTTEN BOROUGH
Old man sheltered and legally protected PATENTED
One religious woman is performing harmoniously IN UNISON
Part of London oh so naughty! SOHO
Saints admitting sin after hesitation in acts of worship SERVICES
Sign up to be sea captain NEMO
Something advantageous and ritzy almost PLUS
Speak rudely to underworld god DIS
Supporting best performance, to be factually correct FOR THE RECORD
Talk about a long story! SAGA
Way to get around hindrance in game ROULETTE
Run through former play by Goethe, hard for following EXHAUST
Ring round with Green CALLOW
Real enthusiasts will swallow this ostentatious display FANFARE
Promote supporter, having an opening PROPAGATE
Pigeon in river HOMER
One exits West African countries to avoid duty MALINGER
Not in power, party men will be not in the house OUTDOOR
Nerve outing MP that’s unruly GUMPTION
Moving contact wrecked power wire WIPER
Mobile continentals getting work in Roman capital CONSTANTINOPLE
Member annoyed with broadcast CROSSBEAM
Gut bacteria reportedly fell with onset of acidosis FLORA
Governor in favour of prisoner uniform in small and large PROCONSUL
Bookish volume of Poe fairly regularly overlooked LITERARY
Beer in animal skin is fit to market SALEABLE
At heart love, I must think, is a generational thing OVUM
Illegal trader avoiding jail finally becomes more complacent SMUGGER
Comment from appreciative tenant correctly expressed letter-perfect
Comes forward to show what climber must face? STEPS UP
Seas seemed worked out as a source of oil SESAME SEED
Dicky knew old cousins retire to gain strength LICK ONES WOUNDS
Popular legislation is relative where union is concerned in-law
Meet without hesitation in OT location GATH