The Times Cryptic - Crossword Answers | 2020 06 26

crossword answers
Clue Answer
Yours truly's taking in good female American who needs education IGNORAMUS
Firm is business without any piece of legislation COMPACT
Move awkwardly as lass gaining speed outside university GALUMPH
Number turning up in protest — who don't republicans want? MONARCH
One Greek character or another abandoning university after end of course EPSILON
Person wanting payment cheated, we hear DUN
Pole leaving Egypt on a journey to safety AARONS ROD
Mostly get on well with the fellow offering banality CLICHE
Potential grub for horse — eats food round end of day HAYSTACK
Rhetorical device in stories enthralling small child LITOTES
Talk and pant, no end GAS
Those people joining cricket side stop improving ON THE MEND
Warm hospital with encouragement to enjoy food HEAT UP
Woman's number, having changed sides ETHEL
Mismanages boy, tiny, limited by teachers maladministers
Male in truth that is the type to exude charm SMOOTHIE
Article about friend — all in French — becoming monster LAMIA
Clever — when full of worry is inclined to give up DEFEATIST
Composer's third and fifth maybe INTERVALS
Covering needed by thatcher HATCH
Devil bumping off king in capital? MONEY
Feature provided by architect is arc strangely positioned CHARACTERISTIC
Fruit became more fashionable ROSEHIP
Happiness interrupted by supervisor that's cut short loud game CHEMIN DE FER
Hunt maybe led by artist and explorer RALEIGH
All others in post office can be very quick PRESTO
Australian flyer has to shift equipment by air without one BUDGERIGAR
Carriage driver’s optimism about a public disturbance CHARIOTEER
Cover coolants regularly going missing COAT
English reputation lies initially in painted artwork ENAMEL
Girl swallowing aluminium for a fever MALARIA
He will ring in greeting HELLO
I’m one who carries for international trader IMPORTER
Joke about girl being strictly moral PURITAN
Liven up by means of hot spice PEPPER
Marksman getting small owl, perhaps SHOOTER
Mediterranean port area ACRE
Mischievous about remaining beggar IMPOVERISH
Mist surrounding river amphibian FROG
Nearly go running through all four seasons YEARLONG
Rather sour tonic tends to go off DISCONTENT
Rub out because put in before ERASE
Sit awkwardly in ceremonial uniform in agony DISTRESS
Spicy rice, alluring eastern cuisine (one wants seconds!) PILAU
Start on introducing exercises OPEN
Type of children’s book heroine mostly following it ITALIC
Potter having a stint on Scottish island MUCK ABOUT
Processed mincemeat I had originally: that takes us back! TIME MACHINE
My old suspicion is voiced — pay attention! mind out
Understood vase is rarely open TACITURN
Vegetable is cold and tough CHARD
Volcanic opening about to swallow tree CALDERA