The Times Cryptic - Crossword Answers | 2020 07 08

crossword answers
Clue Answer
On vacation, Ronnie Barker's to make comeback RECUR
Oscar training a single parent to become model? OPTIMUM
Pets going head to head inside very well broken up STACCATO
Regularly goes by Pentagon stratagem DODGE
Seaweed beginning to trap fish TANGLE
Place where officer has ejected tenant? LIEU
No longer blame former lover I esteem EXONERATE
Tripe on toast is source of this PROTEIN
Mother and one close to her in family tree DAMSON
Setter welcoming public turning up old source of common heritage? GENE POOL
Unit caught a traitor CARAT
Very large inset I blame for resetting INESTIMABLE
Watch as diver secures approval LOOK ON
Turned on the new PC? WOKE
Take away inferior piece of land? SUBTRACT
Who, in French, takes online exam, perhaps most subdued in conversation? QUIETEST
Search for cat, perhaps, when case is raised? SCAN
Rebuilt city mess affecting an entire body SYSTEMIC
Regularly crude sign CUE
Small fish always around lake ELVER
Solid copper pen manufacturer CUBIC
Slope that's good for breaking in horse RIDGE
Club to move against being infiltrated by left BLUDGEON
Hop on foot in game BASEBALL
Following a line sideways LATERAL
Foreign article includes falsehood ALIEN
Governor's weakness regarding young woman vice-regal
Put back what can control art gallery REINSTATE
Sparkle you can see in silver vessel VERVE
A lot of excellent aluminium is essential PRIMAL
After extremes of pace, pole positions altered in race PEOPLE
Appear again, as army corps heading north to meet another southbound re-emerge
Artist to overhaul image — time to grasp medium REMBRANDT
Fine deed in truth FACT
Guard missing second way in ENTRY
Great joy when sister, say, dismisses Romeo ELATION
Fabrication of lino is expensive to begin with LIE
European girl’s shoulder pad EPAULETTE
Being evasive before holiday taking in Rhode Island PREVARICATION
Poet's before entry to West Stand ETAGERE
Money-making run in snooker that won't air on BBC COMMERCIAL BREAK
Made useful contacts — indicating trawl was successful? NETWORKED
Member of upper house maintaining backing for appeal gets cash in PROFITEER
Love extracting energy from river NIL
Make fun of newspaper RAG
Key underpinning native American belief system CREED
Knees apart, prayed for someone wise to intercede bow-legged
Ideal location to film, perhaps, with soft light cloud-cuckoo-land
Heavy breather coming round to eat spread GRAMPUS
Cocktail made with skill in small car MARTINI
Dislike destroying a particular edition VERSION
Cover of English novel redesigned with purple on the outside ENVELOPE
Bigshot meeting the queen is traitor VIPER