The Times Cryptic - Crossword Answers | 2020 07 27

crossword answers
Clue Answer
Light fixture MATCH
Hospital doctor originally operating in Sumatra SANATORIUM
Cheeseparer, one initially swimming in sea off Nice MISER
Choose to put up around centre of Newport OPT
Drink Scandinavian nomad left unfinished LAP
Hint from small Scouse singer inspiring in tango SCINTILLA
Infamous old port protected by other people? NOTORIOUS
Live at end of lake with beadle — a worker, possibly BUMBLEBEE
Fish’s small head SNAPPER
Woman’s contribution finally accepted by Times AGNES
Illness proceeded very rapidly, we hear FLU
In reality, this is unwelcome to hear HOME TRUTH
Work trapeze artistes are ill-advised to have NONET
Good French painter capturing old man, an emperor’s supporter BONAPARTIST
Place is curiously distinctive SPECIAL
Planet extremely hazy and boggy MARSHY
Eg Welsh commander-in-chief welcoming English officer CELTIC
Prophet Amos esteemed, to some extent MOSES
Degrading form of feuding overwhelming one in Scotland UNEDIFYING
Think temperature’s dropped, so intervene MEDIATE
Considerable criticism gathering round extreme parts of Henry’s life BIOGRAPHY
Church body upset over spirit audibly fading away EVANESCENCE
What Peter Piper did, for example, is hard to say tongue-twister
Woman priest, one giving orders? DIRECTOR
Bloomer made by teacher going round a new food shop DANDELION
Key army corps almost crazy about hotel’s liqueur CREME DE MENTHE
Responsibility — and where ours lies ONUS
Happy about copper being an element MERCURY
Reddish church at top of hill CERISE
Racecourse record thus misrepresented at first EPSOM
Phlegmatic type almost shut in thus STOIC
One who guides bullocks to west of island STEERSMAN
Mail worker no longer in theatre post-operative
Most fashionable, but comes to an end in river TRENDIEST
Test for car, one following distinctive pattern MOTIF
Manage to catch son in wood COPSE
Corruption of grown-up portion, with Ecstasy in it ADULTERATION
Consider an affront to be given another errand RESENT
Confused as sharp taste came first TANGLED
Certain to keep city safe SECURE
After losing the first two, claim point AIM
Not entirely secure as top bridge-player EAST
Energetic backing for detectives arresting large numbers DYNAMIC
Prayer leader? I am a medium IMAM
Timid hangman’s developed powerful strength MIGHT AND MAIN
Tough left restaurant, having consumed hot starter LEATHERY
Surprisingly their purser’s accepting a fund manager’s position TREASURERSHIP
Remove monastic devotee adopting revised rite OBLITERATE
New Zealander’s answer you and I heard KIWI
Walk over: time to pick up a book TREAD
Marine creature reportedly saw a taxi crossing river SPIDER CRAB
Each solicitor to patronise restaurant EAT OUT