The Times Cryptic - Crossword Answers | 2020 07 28

crossword answers
Clue Answer
Boxer taking in r-row leading to afters? PUDDING
Caught noise from empty tummy finding pudding CRUMBLE
Coffee and brief conversation with doctor MOCHA
Clear limits to uranium, involving temperature — here’s another metal PLATINUM
Beginnings of cool line in some computer images CLIP ART
Bird unable to fly, somewhat bemused EMU
Choice to keep iodine by sick American around California? It’s deceptive OPTICAL ILLUSION
Beautiful people in centre of storm encountering limits of celebrity EYE CANDY
Fashionable decades provided unknown boost INTENSIFY
Information on American’s heart is not specific GENERIC
Fine coffee will take get around your motoring inconvenience FLAT TYRE
Inclination to include finale from Berlioz, a composer LISZT
Old-fashioned foxtrot — out of practice, missing lead FUSTY
Related to dance, it gets your feet moving! TREADLE
Peril American writer recalled in shock — diary’s contents erased JEOPARDY
Multiple parties? Firm came down on holding one COALITION
Seek to secure hotel in N European country FINNISH
Gold in vase turned up in Pacific island NAURU
Disaster when large taxi reverses into river DEBACLE
Force bar staff to accept article RAILROAD
Garland that is left upside down LEI
Flutter to be in BAT
Enjoy ballet every so often, being aristocratic NOBLE
Exclusive food, but not with cold dessert CHOICE
Friend suppressing greeting shows little bottle PHIAL
Dress right for a boy ROBERT
Finish in French in front of Irish politicians END UP
Like fireworks going off in porch etc, around end of day PYROTECHNIC
Old person using their teeth in passing OBITER
Little jerk not quite recalling quote TIC
Minister’s peculiar circle CLERIC
Inferno you witness got finally put out OUST
Remiss not to initially put on short nightdress NEGLIGENT
Tiny swimmer: little perch? TADPOLE
Trademark securing maybe the Queen’s island in the travel industry TOURISM
Prove wrong potato perhaps has been sent back REBUT
Some certain bet we enjoy, amongst other things in-between
The desire of a Billy No-Mates? NANNY GOAT
Timely joke reflecting real life with leader being deposed PUNCTUAL
A small bird that hurts tails of all mice, right? OWLET
Journey permitted making a few notes TRIPLET
Whirling energy presented by artist in the same expressive image IDEOGRAM
State funeral? Participation in it is no longer required NATIONAL SERVICE
Spice: feature of Christmas morning, second to be consumed CARDAMOM
Wet spray plus short, weird thing needed for firefighting WATER SUPPLY
Artist in East End district, one using a series of colours RAINBOW
Aircraft abandoning its initial path LANE
Additional line encapsulating singular piece MORSEL
Absolute flattery eschewed by Bishop UTTER
Religious area set up in church yard? That’s rather corny CHEESY
Provide more of drink, holding favourite item back STEP UP
Article mostly supporting meteorological report THUNDER
Auto business backing for example a charity event GARAGE
They sell author’s latest and earliest works RETAILERS
A lot of skill to fix light arc-lamp
Attempt to swathe girl, in place of skin treatment TANNERY