The Times Cryptic - Crossword Answers | 2020 08 10

crossword answers
Clue Answer
First-class male in torn clothing RAIMENT
A French duke brought in twenty pounds for a rascal SCOUNDREL
Activist theatrical in rage, going wild CAMPAIGNER
Behave as we do after ignoring University opening DOORWAY
Coarse stuff from males BUCKRAM
Conciliatory gesture, as it happens, in outside broadcast on farm OLIVE BRANCH
Corporation supporting US lawyer in fact DATUM
Delicate stuff, oil turning up on cheese TAFFETA
Suggestion assistant should postpone article IDEA
Supporting company agreement after some strain? That is indicator of future prospects FORTUNE COOKIE
Unemployed one gets appropriate payment, nothing less IDLE
Start of last over — our players end in ignominy, being dreadful LOUSY
Spark is appropriate around Scottish chimney, on reflection STIMULUS
See Yorkshire river beside event in Sheffield, say LOCAL DERBY
Reasonable to secure a source of wood OAK
Prejudiced and wrong about African country from which one’s deported ILLIBERAL
Objective of female coming on board for departures send-offs
No shift involving doctor in thirty days NOVEMBER
Mark, my son, turned to run, losing time SYMBOL
Horse carrying pack let loose in town square MARKETPLACE
Hitch after cat does for small performer TOM THUMB
Flutter taken up? There’s an amount to pay TAB
Family member hurries to get rid of it STEPSON
Put off carrying container, a stoppered glass DECANTER
Refined chap set up shelter GENTEEL
Reportedly outstanding lyric poem ODE
Scottish port involved in Hogmanay revels AYR
Signal from visitor dropping union leader on river GESTURE
The commercial centre of Banbridge, for example? DOWNTOWN
Troublemaker sacked for pinching grain husks FIREBRAND
Unemployed superstar given a hearing IDLE
Unhappy as steward, going in this direction? EASTWARDS
Well-meaning type taking pet initially over European river do-gooder
Wobbly: lacking capacity to cross street UNSTABLE
Ear about to sense upset with great pleasure GLEEFUL
This is the ultimate in blasphemy? HERESY
Unequivocal gossip gets investment from City DIRECT
Uninspired old head of BBC grasping pen? On the contrary STODGY
What produces reduction of scale in floods more frequently WATER SOFTENER
Vehicle staying outside reduced opening in garage CARPORT
About to demand a strong wooden barrel CASK
A Royal Marines orchestra’s form of identification ARMBAND
A northern church’s attempt to establish origin ANCESTRY
Abrupt old Republican ringing a museum boss CURATOR
Appreciative, having this much coal? GRATEFUL
Bag for Falstaff’s wine! SACK
Boss demanding endless academic application STUD
Cut Liszt’s first work LOP
Former exam relating to rural life PASTORAL
Groans frightfully, finding skirtlike garment SARONG
Mistakes made by English kings at start of actions ERRATA
Most superior upper garment TOP
One who conveys news about alcoholic drink REPORTER
Pacify son, very small, just into double figures SWEETEN