The Times Cryptic - Crossword Answers | 2020 08 12

crossword answers
Clue Answer
Ladies, staying on, visit New Zealand tourist attraction LONDON ZOO
That’s a surprise, the Hoops eclipsing Hearts OHO
Stupid that hotel do only flipping sandwiches! NOODLE
Refuse when beginning to recycle to break bed down DROSS
Press chief with another cider, too inebriated! COEDITOR
Stop working because of line in operating system DOWN TOOLS
Sound unstressed after chief visiting was abused SCHWA
Furniture you’ll find in different sorts of theatre DRESSER
Fellow with TV spots royal photographer SNOWDON
Easy reward from getting on line? MONEY FOR OLD ROPE
Drawing you had coloured a certain way tie-dyed
Paranoid old ruler putting Trotsky on trial briefly LEONTES
Painter papers around bottom right corner made ready MONETISED
One shoe, not quite the pair, going with it SABOT
Narrator’s understood the reader’s older SENIOR
New MP, one come to help folk in general THE COMMON PEOPLE
Moderating playtime instruction often led by ma NON TROPPO
Fights to finish or to drive out soliciting? SHOOTOUTS
Once on the outside, we start to work in tandem? two-seater
Witness, removed from case, won’t peach ONLOOKER
Run away from anger and depression in Greece TEMPE
Retroaction not oddly one to inspire ERATO
One outlet accepts new coin INVENT
Bachelor place Dorothy visits to see sketch writer BOZ
A person ends short trip in general store one-stop shop
Decay in small green vegetable or shrub PROTEA
Fool nabbed by servant in corridor PASSAGE
Former member of the Lords? That is right EARLIER
Full relief after only 50 per cent relief brings freedom RELEASE
Having no weapons and lacking ability to punch, say? UNARMED
Her good faith sorted out answer to alcohol problem? HAIR OF THE DOG
Part of flight from Budapest airport STAIR
Picture of prisoner brought to India ICON
Dance in a state of oblivion LIMBO
Cells with circular shape, having very small area OVA
Broody writers this writer's taken after PENSIVE
Boxer went to ground briefly ALI
Badger-like creature surprisingly alert RATEL
Asti on tap — novel provision for start of Italian meal ANTIPASTO
Arguments in studios apt to get out of control DISPUTATIONS
Perceive the true nature of what must be transparent? SEE THROUGH
Soldiers having drinks with recreational drug get ill again RELAPSE
Street set up trial runs TESTS
Where a rat's destroyed a bird SHEARWATER
Trendy church's leader, silly rector is wrong INCORRECT
Top lady entertained by excellent boozers TOPERS
Too restricted by ceremonial sometimes ALSO
Those people, leaders of English Society, offering ideas THEMES
Acclaim — Conservative meeting left-winger gets it CREDIT
Challenge on reflection no good: how to go from London to Leeds? IMPUGN
Lady briefly taking you for a Parisian in fact DATUM
Leaving possible heir a dodgy business? goings-on
Laments day-old fails MONODIES
Book token given by wife — and with it, nothing WOMEN IN LOVE