The Times Cryptic - Crossword Answers | 2020 09 24

crossword answers
Clue Answer
Long to be back on stage in the London area STEPNEY
Peg, getting stuck into beer, on the slippery slope? ALPINE
Pepper pot: mine needs to be shaken PIMENTO
PM, previously to resign, remains around ASQUITH
Race the eccentric run in mostly ETHNIC
Reclusive industrialist, speaking for the Greens, perhaps HUES
Right in attempt to obtain private capital BRIDGETOWN
Runner reflecting on the subject of large clogs SMUGGLER
Second charity event the Scottish miss MORAG
A change involving one in birdcage AVIARY
Abbreviated state service MASS
Almost become unable to see mischievous spirit GOBLIN
Dairy product from goat? BUTTER
Drinking bout in front half of car JAG
Face operation: expert does, we hear NOSE JOB
For transplant, scan iris and other flowers NARCISSI
Good man meets with resistance STAND
Judge turned to note JOT
Leap year makes us nervous JUMPY
Money’s problematic if in a clan FINANCIAL
Ready to eat? Tear back from office RIPE
Right oven, for this? ROAST
Sage parent accepts head covering MAHATMA
Second shopping area is modest SMALL
See me wrapped up in warm coat, but only part of leg FEMUR
Shore leave in hopeless place STRAND
Stupidly censorious about name for man of taste CONNOISSEUR
Tiny workers’ high-rise accommodation ANTHILL
Light headed? LED
Job on staff, just right for animated deliveryman POSTMAN PAT
Husband bearing heavy item of furniture is one giving you a wave? HAIRDRESSER
Hiker settles by forestry worker FOOTSLOGGER
Heading off armed, made a sally QUIPPED
Slash cover to access petty cash SOLIDUS
What sailors caught, close to divers with the bends? SCURVY
What only child might want unaltered AS IS
From memory, after a quiet retreat ASHRAM
Deckhands finally got out of sweeping vessel VAT
Daughters entering singly at first, in a state INDONESIA
Conductor when chosen went up ELECTRODE
Chaplain to put up with holy bunch! SKY PILOT
Be reconciled, after brush with assembly KISS AND MAKE UP
Accurate, but somehow not great ON TARGET
Cheese and some apricot taken RICOTTA
Unconcerned to be popular, standing out from the crowd? INDIFFERENT
Close match, one assumed after dark NIGHTIE
Cornish tourist came across me, back at the front EMMET
Director, in extremis, fought to secure financial backer for film DR STRANGELOVE
Drink quietly, repeatedly, at home, gaining weight PINK GIN
Unusual request to look for songwriter NOVELLO
Touched, as doctor, friend and parent meet with young delinquent PALPATED
Too shy to play piano in store TOYSHOP
Insect takes off from pages of book FLYLEAVES
Good for food, for example, which a poet might use? EYE RHYME
Subject of treaty dubious at best, note TEST BAN
Old sitcom initially featuring in ratings AB FAB