The Times Cryptic - Crossword Answers | 2020 10 13

crossword answers
Clue Answer
Oil jars built with care LUBRICATE
Main bit on the side short of one sewer SEAMSTRESS
Opera and short story about artist going through reserves LA TRAVIATA
Plonk racket in Riviera on ground VIN ORDINAIRE
Lasted longer than guy getting exposed all round OUTSTAYED
Kate's excited sailors with English dish STEAK TARTARE
It's required to take off planks around middle of garden BOARDING CARD
Eager to promote name that’s not far from 21 KNEE
Live in Barcelona I reckon ON AIR
Duty, and where it often lies? ONUS
Duke brought food in fenland city, and rightly so DESERVEDLY
Commend appeal among Anglicans CITE
Commandeer four-by-four across the Channel SEIZE
On which to stand cut flower belonging to Welshman? DAIS
Principle of the complex integrated circuit ETHIC
Scheme to capture Ireland's first aviator PILOT
See you acclaim icon regularly CHEERIO
Heaving ocean, small boat CANOE
Hurriedly add policy — no getting upset! TACK ON
Label I ran represented a dancer BALLERINA
Mum and family catching cold with rubbish raincoat MACKINTOSH
Protein in wheat initially needed to support muscle GLUTEN
Writer’s enclosure PEN
Bar 40 cutting a drug AXLE
A northern beast upended joint ANKLE
Novel riled a lazy person IDLER
Garden ably designed, for the most part BY AND LARGE
Pub’s requirement for Guinness INN
Friend father left PAL
Reddish-brown and gold torch AUBURN
Dock worker to wear down old soldiers heading north STEVEDORE
Clean-cut boys rebuilt blown-up fortress? BOUNCY CASTLE
Bounce explosive, eliminating dam finally BOB
Zone dealing with stopping motorists AREA
You often get aches at the start — practising this? YOGA
What bad plan needs to do with emaciated monarch RETHINKING
Walker has left out warning signal AMBER
Send back first five bits of non-explosive element XENON
Small, hard, and chewy collection of plants SHRUBBERY
Sneer at shabby grave EARNEST
Suppliers of pork and game BACKGAMMON
Stirred large drinks for Wimbledon match MIXED DOUBLES
Slow European chopped vegetable in time DECELERATE
Prepare to cook fish, heading for event that's black tie, perhaps DRESS CODE
Fall over extremely outdated photography gear TRIPOD
Starts to order dinghy, despite losing yacht in a strange way ODDLY
See boss, cunning man on board ARCHBISHOP
Unplanned tuition saved following reorganisation ADVENTITIOUS
Times sign has gone from outside for good ETERNALLY
She finishes programme with a somersault EMMA
They're lined up in hospital firm briefly in county BEDSTEADS
Stole time with new gift from Cupid on leisure craft NARROW BOAT