The Times Cryptic - Crossword Answers | 2020 11 25

crossword answers
Clue Answer
Remarkable gesture SIGNAL
Everyone into wicked tune BALLAD
Army entertainer HOST
Sign of ladies losing weight OMEN
Tree forced flat to sprawl among scattered pears ESPALIER
Review harshly constrains each piece expressing praise PAEAN
Why maiden comes to make most important point? NODE
A lot of money if wife replaces husband in welfare WEALTH
Area existing before motorway REALM
Cash in on find REDEEM
Coolness of pal stoned by ugly mob APLOMB
Cover round pool LIDO
Drink starts to take effect afterwards TEA
Feverishly seek term about universal soldier MUSKETEER
Flower in hair isn't IRIS
Hard to falsify papers RIGID
His growl affected one in chorus line? SHOWGIRL
Looking embarrassed, being wrong about hard misleading clue RED HERRING
Reportedly, fuel needed for one taking flight across seas PETREL
Out of water, area reduced to dust? AGROUND
Old Roman god guards unknown ship for hero ODYSSEUS
Legendary knight had forgotten festive occasion GALA
Looter, one helping to support leader of revolt RAIDER
Mollusc ordered as saline? SEA SNAIL
Turned up to sell game GOLF
Overlook furnace temperature FORGET
Old Greek lacking craft to make crossing SPAN
Musical talent demands attention EAR
Most striking stuff in certain wines TANNIN
Monarch in Balmoral perhaps, and mountainous Welsh location CAERPHILLY
Mexican insect found in black rock enclosing ravine COCHINEAL
Lid turned on standard ovenware item STOCKPOT
Interpreter say in Oxford college finishing early EXEGETE
Eve and Abel at odds — do not disturb LEAVE BE
Doubled weight in time long ago TWOFOLD
At some stage note error also needs correction SOONER OR LATER
Corporation to fail — botched entry from board BELLY FLOP
Murderous graduate given hearing stopped by police MATRICIDAL