The Times Cryptic - Crossword Answers | 2020 12 03

crossword answers
Clue Answer
Spiritual seeker uses my wand no end MYSTIC
Part of hearing involves a murder EARDRUM
One cooking in jacket, tricky problem HOT POTATO
Instruct British to avoid frontier ORDER
Forest's team in domestic fixture WOODSCREW
For prominent one on board, tribute entertaining political leader TOPMAST
Football club has managed to save money in Switzerland? FRANC
Start siege, developing plans STRATEGIES
Vehicle endlessly crowded? BUS
Purging of emotions has racist converted CATHARSIS
Face a revolutionary’s self-assurance PANACHE
Truck carrying litres for one who likes a drink or two? TIPPLER
One wound up in US resort MIAMI
County workers in a number of offices? STAFFS
Allow a daughter to join US college ADMIT
A noisy short party offering fruit AVOCADO
Gent, sorry when falling short, working to be sturdier STRONGER
Highlight what PA would ask boss to do before email? SIGNPOST
Crossing major road, eye problem is a frustration STYMIE
Body temperature, roughly TORSO
Polish novel given English translation finally SHEEN
Out putting label on ducks TABOO
Two sides bordering study covered in pleasant flowering plant golden rod
Time in coastal location where wild flowers can prosper? set-aside
Situation for highest-level worker? ROOFTOP
See nerd undergo big change in place fostering new ideas? BREEDING GROUND
Number bunked off in gutless endeavour TWENTY
Hundreds in Europe sadly having no exercise and lacking good food UNDERNOURISHED
Friend regularly looking embarrassed RED
Have a holiday, and leave me alone GO AWAY
Engineers finished meal REPAST