The Times Cryptic - Crossword Answers | 2020 12 10

crossword answers
Clue Answer
Girl’s cosy home, close to Chelsea NESTA
Go close, ignoring a person beyond help? GONER
Imposing jiujitsu — guards to mount displays AUGUST
Kilns we built specially for seafood WINKLES
Letters to acquire at cricket ground LANDLORDS
Old boxer appearing in tabloid regularly ALI
Record to have when going across mountains ALPS
Rex needs a break — most unusual RAREST
Ring salesman, perhaps, to scoff, around spring JEWELLER
Shelled nuts beside vase making quite a change! U-turn
Wise words show real brains, primarily PROVERB
For safety’s sake a motorist should be quiet! BELT UP
Finally got us hose for clumps of grass TUSSOCKS
Fights to obtain what’s missing for air raid precautions BLACKOUTS
Ed’s escaped from evil, incendiary band! WICK
Note tremolo after passing note DEMISEMIQUAVER
Political activity born in abandonment of religion, etc ELECTIONEERING
Prince a little bit of a pig? HAMLET
Around academic award, drop a controversial strategy ROAD MAP
Denouement in story written up in programmes AGENDAS
Go after model, painter backing his ability? ARTISTRY
Guess appropriate power coming from on high DIVINE RIGHT
Have masks of course on companion, covering over part of face EYEPATCH
Heartless old jailer producing dead duck TURKEY
Huge region needing no introduction, part of SW Europe IBERIA
Mourn grouse after odd parts plucked RUE
Natural pull, upwards GUT
Second stone collected by relative cracks it open INSTANT
Source of oil on end of mantelpiece, alongside source of milk TEA TREE
Tight-lipped, one raising issue MUM
Typical value, fraction reduced PAR
A grate leaving a small gap? AJAR
Among bananas, a different fruit MANGO
Barges Les manoeuvred around front of ship ELBOWS
Cheers up, on course to get fit ATTACK
Choice digging tool PICK
Deny King Edward, for example, has returned REBUT
Dishevelled drunk emptying pockets UNKEMPT
Documents quietly placed on copiers PAPERS