The Times Cryptic - Crossword Answers | 2020 12 16

crossword answers
Clue Answer
Astonished, inveighs against delivery vehicle THUNDERSTRUCK
Beg little devil to get learning IMPLORE
Correct height on masts, sails, etc RIGHT
Disadvantage of ward, literally DRAWBACK
Drink available from inside cafe DECAF
Female guest left off roll in academy, first of all GLORIA
Ancient doctor prophetic, as seen afresh HIPPOCRATES
Going back on decision to have transplant operation? CHANGE OF HEART
Nature god holding one old instrument to play PIANO
Navy left in bases FLEET
Nominal fine received by a number TOKEN
Old-fashioned relative moves forward PASSES ON
Our cousins a nuisance, almost APES
Poor dog, its appropriate part cut short CURTAIL
Level of marsh quite unexceptional BOG STANDARD
American guy expected to host duke DUDE
A chess defeat: game over for dilettante AMATEUR
Wild, noisy drummer, ultimately one for a band rip-roaring
A little exercise before Kitty gets up press-up
British ready for some loud shows of affection? SMACKERS
Cunningly multiplied by two a nice prime number AMERICAN PIE
Decorated old men on opposite sides at Waterloo died PAPERED
Foreign issue of public relations “bible” getting its approval? PRAVDA
Germ gets in badly preserved root STEM GINGER
Hail not unusual in Scottish region LOTHIAN
Horseman protecting lord repelled villain RIDDLER
I left data lying around, moderately carelessly NEGLIGENTLY
No point going back for old English preacher BUNYAN
One spot on about force of old religious image CRUCIFIX
Person calming down someone after match in Kent? SEDATER
Planning part of Michaelmas term in Dingwall MASTERMINDING
Rome’s increasingly spoilt, at first, for choice of popes? PIUS
Sock someone draped around queen’s cocktail PLANTERS PUNCH
Spaniard possibly to pass on turn DIEGO
Tavern has appeal, would you not agree? INNIT
VAT reduction in train TUB
Rows in church, so rude COARSE
Spicy dishes converted to sugar RAGOUTS