The Times Cryptic - Crossword Answers | 2020 12 24

crossword answers
Clue Answer
Finish degree course in ferry port DIEPPE
Flair shown by almost everyone appearing in marquee TALENT
Follow key number, heading off for battle DOGFIGHT
Gauge outdated, failing to show power on steamship ASSESS
Immoral investor's evil spirit FALLEN ANGEL
Moore's ultimate in standing figures STATUES
Morale, say, on first of ops EGO
Mutter in agitation about parking for orchestra member TRUMPET
Number diving into Italian river, extremely choppy, might POTENCY
Outlaw's trial cut short BAN
Please wait a moment for what groom may do? HOLD YOUR HORSES
Reservist having row about blunder TERRIER
Short series of episodes about television's top executive MINISTERIAL
Criminal attempt recalled in regret ROGUE
Criticise return of routine: source of eventual happiness RAPTURE
Follow poster used in display SHADOW
Get a sense of payment left FEEL
I will interrupt passage in church, being artless NAIVE
Imitate policeman going to Yard COPY
Variety of plait seen around one girl’s head? PIGTAIL
Support record showing work not yet completed BACKLOG
Stories about King making responses on social media LIKES
Speak, for example SAY
Space programme’s latest? Look amazed GAPE
Son, upper-class type, and bishop needing no work to become snooty SNOBBISH
Ridicule medicine, or remedy, finally PILLORY
Peevish Queen reformed rule over America QUERULOUS
One of Snow White’s dwarfs very quietly brought in grass HAPPY
Meaningless, largely empty confusion MESS
Item for discussion is not quite lacking it, somehow QUESTION
It helps one observe end of alluring girl linked to 007? SPYGLASS
Disdain shown by agency worker after working in court CONTEMPT
Deep down in U-boat, hear torpedo AT HEART
Case missing in carriage STANCE
Animatedly, auntie reads RLS adventure story TREASURE ISLAND
Admirer cheers following popular princess INFANTA