The Times Cryptic - Crossword Answers | 2021 01 06

crossword answers
Clue Answer
What might give you an irritated look? EYESTRAIN
Wicked desire to get rid of husband ACE
A container is not closed AJAR
A short distance dogs perhaps returned STEP
Call for artist to produce exciting work page-turner
Controlled temperature in tirade RANT
Cultivate grand argument GROW
Don’t hit girl MISS
Endurance of ill-fitting red outfit FORTITUDE
How erotic is a sauna? STEAMY
Like some of Bach’s music, full of runs and economical FRUGAL
Part of school I arrange for storyteller LIAR
Pipe organ I played for two children PIGEON PAIR
Problem in a rising display of hostility ANIMUS
Radios covering end of nasty dictatorships TYRANNIES
Way in which press was accommodated once? FLEET STREET
Ranch of Ron’s regularly provides fruit ACORN
Vicar’s boy not feeling too good, apparently PARSON
A German turning back to welcome city relative NIECE
Bigoted? A bishop must step in right away NARROW
Continue to be harsh on saleswoman in recession PERSEVERE
Contrive once more to render rhino safe REFASHION
Endlessly regret joke about speed merchant’s approach run-up
First of early NHS units built in military accommodation NISSEN HUT
Gloomy about one’s son’s expulsion DISMISSAL
Gnome used to be upside down SAW
He painted tsar’s opponents, eating only when ordered REYNOLDS
Horribly grim aunt mellowing perhaps MATURING
It hurts, being long subordinate to judge in Bow EARACHE
Lazing around? It’s pretty underwhelming NOT UP TO MUCH
Perhaps one in eight might, after change of leader ROWER
Pony disembowelled by Indian? That’s disturbing CREEPY
Top-notch rock band in seaside attraction PREMIER
Traffic in March moving easily at first TRADE
Strike means deduction from pay STOPPAGE
Tin on top of long grass SNITCH
Total love for wrestling SUMO
Warden puts on a stone; I don’t recognise him STRANGER
Worry, being mixed race CARE