The Times Cryptic - Crossword Answers | 2021 01 25

crossword answers
Clue Answer
Like trade involving churchgoer in shabby headgear MERCANTILE
Mostly tense character in Euripides, say? TAU
Move fast, wanting second hot dish SCURRY
Old unit of measurement some levellers used ELL
Popular Welsh girl entertaining accomplished islander INDONESIAN
Remove freedom, as it were, to take counsel DELIBERATE
Joint head of kindergarten born in Paris KNEE
Ruler way back, initially named in song TSARINA
Streets around Essex town by which one means to progress stepping-stone
Vitality unknown in Grantchester at first ZING
Where a flyer may go for a walk in London? BIRDCAGE
Bit of money I invested in fiddle COIN
Complete one sort of clue correctly DOWNRIGHT
Cool dance music genre hip-hop
Sadly my team’s mostly fat and unbalanced ASYMMETRIC
Ideal cover secured by upper-class Scotsman UTOPIAN
High official’s valet endlessly taking risks MANDARIN
Good university man finally controlling smuggling racket GUNRUNNING
American hare finally caught by sailor and religious leader jack rabbit
Cat taking water in French country house CHATEAU
Early settler’s source of fibre? JUTE
Fellow politician in US city first to gripe COMPLAIN
County where people sleep BEDS
Dirt making uniforms dirty, primarily MUD
French produce representative in Tom, perhaps CAMEMBERT
Gum spread round bottom of canvas PASTE
Insect featuring in design, a termite GNAT
Motor competition not entirely uplifting CAR
Of course, all holes circular ROUND
Pastry spoiled, odd bits removed PIE
Piece of primitive art, hysterically coarse EARTHY
Puzzle: was soldier Jack set up? JIGSAW
Quite sour nuts, greenish-blue TURQUOISE
Rough-sounding canine HUSKY
Rudeness: unfortunate recipient, men! IMPERTINENCE
Tedious last part filling empty day DREARY
Wake in river behind stern of steamer ROUSE
Wine studied, we hear? RED
Wrecked, replacement of odd tyres saving vehicle, finally DESTROYED