The Times Cryptic - Crossword Answers | 2021 01 27

crossword answers
Clue Answer
Being agitated may be a source of quarrels AQUIVER
Bear being bowled? Disaster BRUIN
A cat may be very nervous HAVE KITTENS
A lot to drink as engineers tramp over a mile REHOBOAM
Airline no longer flying over a country PANAMA
Axes regularly pronounced in surplus EXCESS
Sprinted, heading off being tracked down RACED
Stole from cupboard finally put on bishop in formal dress ROBBED
Store to have to keep one in always for Christmas, say BANK HOLIDAY
When one knocks out November, calendar gets less complicated PLAINER
Appear to understand spy chief SEEM
Article borne by diminutive, climbing, pack animals LLAMAS
Dumbest fool, finally moving, nearly fell STUMBLED
Expedition’s endless voyage, covering a great distance SAFARI
Feeble Hollywood movie: but it’s hard to shake off! LIMPET
Got larger plug rewired, partially GREW
I had poor Isolde worshipped IDOLISED
One turning back from minister and queen twice embracing son REVERSER
One who’s fled bad regime? EMIGRE
Permissive character? LETTER
Person having stock of bacteria for germ warfare — murder, ultimately FARMER
Rest of newspaper oddly skipped EASE
Singular spicy dishes can give you runs SCURRIES
Skip round little boy, jumping up OMIT
Sporting events: matches? MEETS
State of king meeting an elite army unit KANSAS
Stop to deliver outside of zone FREEZE
Ticks abandon old fly MOSQUITO
Unconventional star upset before hit national shows ANTIHERO
Doctor short Panorama feature MOVIE
One presenting an unwelcome task left incomplete by crew ANCHORMAN
Sort of door sadly unproved to secure area up-and-over
Son has left aforementioned charity AID
Screw top of jar I dropped into real mess JAILER
Say, good source of protein EGG
Refined rough girl, slim-waisted HOURGLASS
Prisoner, maybe, one of an exclusive group INSIDER
On application obtain perhaps licence to kill TAKE OUT
French city boundaries visited by ambassador RHEIMS
Level an area for building? It depends PARASITE
Intensify struggle over stupid person abandoning pet WARM UP
I’m wearing green, following party instructions on-message
Hopeless sort of case one finally checks out? BASKET
Happens to be over ten? Apparently not SIX
Go faster, say, translating a trilogy FORSYTE SAGA