The Times Cryptic - Crossword Answers | 2021 02 02

crossword answers
Clue Answer
Carpet salesman on tour REPROVE
Advert extols revealing top VERTEX
Access computer using firm’s symbol and name LOG ON
Inexpensive headgear worn by ambassador CHEAP
Insect I see around lakes at end of March? DEMOISELLE
Like hooter US space administrators lacked at first NASAL
Mean to declare advancing years? AVERAGE
Outstanding work of Pindar possibly read aloud OWED
Paul was one, always carrying weapon EPISTOLER
Profusion of bakery product served during a social ABUNDANCE
Recommendation of good Scottish priest born in Paris GUIDELINE
Cry as home for lawn-mower suffers damage SHED TEARS
Farewell bargain announced GOODBYE
Get me busy travelling? Please continue BE MY GUEST
Hairstyle swept up into small lump NUB
Letter of alphabet representing measure of tyre inflation PSI
One shoots game bird, right? SNIPER
Unemotional son leaves, given refresher course RETRAINED
Tragic day briefly captured in very old film VIDEO
Student workers’ association given support on course TUTEE
Revolutionary figure, one about to entertain team IXION
Retired priest is second to identify Puccinian style VERISMO
Sauna made boiling until one was sick AD NAUSEAM
See old lover ROMEO
Separated so, I won’t move IN TWO
Shelf’s left corner LEDGE
Wife coming in, nowhere to sit? Don’t worry NO SWEAT
Vital contribution from knock-kneed full-back NEEDFUL
Unhappiness of Scrooge followed by joy at last MISERY
To tease a lord is obscene RIBALD
To support monarch is correct PROPER
Sleeveless garment suitable for G&S production? PINAFORE DRESS
Basket-maker, or provider of stockings in Albert Square? OSIER
1940s swinger’s cheers returned by male police officer HEPCAT
1 down’s circular hollow in TV soap, familiarly CORRIE
Formal setting for a Trojan king PRIAM
Gunpowder constituent soldiers can put back at front NITRE
Knee surgeon’s ball? leg-cutter