The Times Cryptic - Crossword Answers | 2021 03 08

crossword answers
Clue Answer
Letters of agreement CORRESPONDENCE
Mass is bishop’s responsibility, I hear SEA
Once a mighty worker, full of life EXUBERANT
Reactionary occupant of No 10 in offensive sweet-talk TEMPT
Sinister, much like MI6 man? SPOOKY
Someone swallowing fire in Bow? EATER
An air of resignation? QUE SERA SERA
Blaise Pascal’s a person to take heart from UNMAN
Condition guarantees pain for someone getting on SEPTUAGENARIAN
Devout old man embracing bishop OBSERVANT
Dog’s had a heart transplant? Goodness me! COR
Draughts in our leader’s country pile? CHEQUERS
Drifter having intent air? That’s unlikely ITINERANT
Exults over supporters showing signs of age crows-feet
Fashionable to take a bit of coke? It helps in an emergency HOTLINE
Girl’s deceit taking Charlie in LASSIE
I must block unacceptable idea NOTION
Imagine arresting French nobleman in bed! SEDUCE
Impatience in chess? It’s disastrous ITCHINESS
Left for example in isolation ASIDE
Troublesome guerrilla army oddly ignored CONTRARY
Useless demanding £1000 plus a deposit KAPUT
Vineyard obstructing second microscopic examination SCRUTINY
“Crabby” types making a living, excellent actors originally CRUSTACEA
Article pretty sharp-witted? ACUTE
Believe what could be a sign of summer coming? SWALLOW
Company car once made by Ford ESCORT
Criminal venture to achieve mastery CONQUEST
Dog beginning to twitch and be ill TAIL
Front bit missing from toy weapon RIFLE
Loudly insult a contemporary and depart DISAPPEAR
Expert's device for adding polish BUFF
Good Parisian, upwardly mobile bigwig NOB
Impertinence involving naughty nude in a row LINED UP
Vehicle has creepy-crawlies — not good! BUS
Some music, a feature in place of refreshment CAFE
Slow time of abstinence before Easter egg LENTO
Senseless maiden in retro hairstyle NUMB
Paper a bit “old”, in need of redesign TABLOID
Owls flying towards county lose speed SLOW DOWN
Money paid to secure very good person, one very merry FESTIVE
Meant to have eaten outside — is in France stuck inside DESTINED
In gale we rescue vessel EWER