The Times Cryptic - Crossword Answers | 2021 03 11

crossword answers
Clue Answer
Disagreements in terrible residence, very loud inside DIFFERENCES
Make slight adjustments to great piece of music fine-tune
Contract somehow exposes our national church OUTSOURCE
Vulgarity of Eastender's jollity outside hotel EARTHINESS
University given commendation, put at a higher level UPRAISED
In a language accessible to a few — hence pride may be hurt ENCIPHERED
I had to bypass hole in urban area in rain tip it down
Dull nature of film including noisy and empty scenes CLOUDINESS
Hesitation about temptress as partner for 16? REEVE
Had a pork-pie reluctantly? ate ones hat
Groups at sea moving cargo ship alee archipelagoes
Fails to hold secret, separate, social occasions DINNER PARTIES
Cars happen mostly to get broken up here? SCRAPHEAP
Coordinated part of shoe INSTEP
Wartime colonel no leader, ineffective LIMP
Cast to include unusual material (poor stuff) SHODDY
Man's symbol is such rubbish — painter lacking skill primarily involved TRIPARTITE
Short trip — female's eaten cheesy food TOFU
Revolutionary crowd, one interrupting a race, creating outrage ABOMINATION
Be frightened of losing female attention EAR
Kangaroos need time to sleep ROOST
Reason radioactive substance is boxed CAUSE
Sheriff’s group’s attitude about James’s end POSSE
Rip up root for processing as a source of scent POTPOURRI
Returned nails highly favoured for scrap SNIPPET
Opera star being tricky — one creates divisions SEPARATOR
Disturbed islander losing large fish SARDINE
Confession of one fancying men and women in poetic pieces IAMBI
Failure of a person nearer losing head LOSER
Stage in development of some workers at home getting sign of approval INSTAR
Pope is quiet concerning argument PONTIFF
Onset of enmity has you, red-hot, turning up making wicked stare EVIL EYE
Gambler reportedly intended enrichment BETTERMENT
Half-hearted meal is exceptionally good SUPER
Uniform’s needed in Royal Navy career RUN
One who decorates mooring rope PAINTER
One French eleven embarrassed about power still running? UNEXPIRED