The Times Cryptic - Crossword Answers | 2021 03 19

crossword answers
Clue Answer
Couple of scoundrels, second of which knocking out a tool RATCHET
Crummy pudding DUFF
Bloke Colin has upset NICHOLAS
Composer’s Shakespearean king eclipsing Henry LEHAR
Countries, perhaps, united, behold, in ancient times BLOC
Craft appearing in what is our home EARTH
Girl formed policy MADELINE
Greed is a bad habit overwhelming a king AVARICE
Gruesome, when taxi goes into horse MACABRE
Head’s briefly g-gone back home NOGGIN
Hype is oddly lacking, I agree YES
Lass finishes off black tea: not nice KATE
Listening out after releasing one small bird NESTLING
Offer for sale? You’ve got to cough up! HAWK
Praise a champion racing driver LAUDA
Regular boy at Grammar School providing services later EVENSONGS
Run into horse, as donkeys do BRAY
Take some glen in, gradually finding old city LENINGRAD
You’ll see me holding one, karaoke just starting? MIKE
Cold listener dressing in coat, say? RAINWEAR
Boat in current fix over foreign waters WINDJAMMER
Drawn, revolutionary illustrations on Christmas cards, possibly? TRACED
Echo a little bit, penetrating rupture RESOUND
Superb striker cutting wood five-star
Seem discombobulated by twisting of Polish language BURMESE
Representative I came across in bed, retired TOTEMIC
Plain land for Conservative statesman BALDWIN
Part of cylinder coming out of trap? ROLE
Minister reduced by hack’s comic verse CLERIHEW
Lovely metal link CUTIE
Lap pace LICK
Head of government in Scottish town backed complaint NIGGLE
Fury in Liberian uprising IRE
Sweet, soft lump, goalkeeper GOBSTOPPER
Not at all popular now, indeed IN NO WAY
Transfer tardy on ridiculously cheap excursion DAY TRIP
Fail — as may loose dentures? come unstuck
Game spelt out or encrypted in series of calls whistle-stop tour
Nail excellent start GET CRACKING
Player is in current contest DISC JOCKEY
Reportedly, brown square finished DONE FOR