The Times Cryptic - Crossword Answers | 2021 04 16

crossword answers
Clue Answer
Eager to display grief KEEN
A talk hosted by leader in sport KAYAKING
Blooming Conservative in clear OUTRIGHT
Candlemas to Lent, not entirely hot STOLEN
Doctor on leave gets dope from Australia DRONGO
Eager to get area in country evacuated HUNGRY
Filter problem RIDDLE
I hand over beer in metric weight for African challenger? KILIMANJARO
Mock swimmer COD
Pitch black: zero light initially when getting up LOB
Shetland island qualified as rocky UNSTABLE
Curiosity moving friend ultimately to DIY ODDITY
Discharge fellow into alcoholic drink RHEUM
Fish to catch for Judy? GARLAND
Heard bell tolling for Ms Gwyn? NELL
Little Christopher’s equipment KIT
N Ireland originally let in no goals? NIL
Two spells of illness, between which a complete shift TURNABOUT
Tailored fragments for pagan IDOLATER
Strain loading contents of short chest THORAX
Spirit in bottle in Egypt arising GENIE
Nude appearing in club at last, live BARE
Lend setter, for example, audio equipment SUBWOOFER
Cargo ship carrying quality plant COTONEASTER
Young attendant, quiet and mature PAGE
Potato dish consumed in quiet: it’s a great success! SMASH HIT
Old fellow in ME sultanate OMAN
Vulgar Yankee old boy found by mistake YOBBISH
The lady wandering, so very pale? DEATHLY
Tarquin flustered at first later becoming calm TRANQUIL
Stick a short gun in more efficiently when sawn-off BAGUETTE
River discovered by Rex, camping? TRENT
When embarrassment becomes evident, initially? AT FIRST BLUSH
Minds children in small sections crossing gorge briefly baby-sits
I’m turning red, including yarns, primarily? DYER
Bargain-hunters her gals, out to claim goods primarily HAGGLERS
Disappointed expression of Finn, perhaps, aboard vessel SHUCKS
Prepare to smoke? Ray finished LIGHT UP
Will sever nuts to provide revolving part? SWIVELLER
Woollies turned up on large romantic couple PULLOVERS
Shop finally directs petitions PLEADS