The Times Cryptic - Crossword Answers | 2021 04 30

crossword answers
Clue Answer
Hack possibly putting run in stockings? HORSE
Host briefly entertaining monster, a sort of accountant COMPTROLLER
Maybe rabbit turned and ran, being disconcerted RUFFLED
One drug-dealer, short worker at end of street offering cocaine? STIMULANT
Restaurant offers excellent crumble, sweet course served retro-style TRATTORIA
Guide soldiers over Dartmoor landmark? MENTOR
Theatre food is tasted again REPEATS
Cavity in heart needing attention MIDDLE EAR
Think about new sin in revised credo CONSIDER
The bird — he avoided dog TRAIL
Whisky kept in jar? Yes RYE
Wits needed for children's game MARBLES
RIP! Old females depart quickly TEAR OFF
Ancient city grasping a way of buying up prize TROPHY
Rich pet at sea in vessel PITCHER
Ladder lets one escape from dilapidated building RUN
Illicit drink about to be removed, leading to a kerfuffle hoo-ha
No longer having money in chest BUST
Negative word about good person is unpleasant NASTY
Material in reef, cold on examination CORAL
Material from learner you incorporated in advertisement POLYESTER
He'd get reform, if violently FREEDOM FIGHTER
Full agreement, we hear PACKED
Fifty retained by firm before certain shutdown CLOSURE
Room for keeping a type of food HALAL
Batsman, maybe, feeling more pain, having secured century SCORER
After grave message, enemy's beginning to be mature RIPE
Married chum's brought into Middle East location as investigator OMBUDSMAN
Very good bed's embroidered decoration PICOT
American cannon got from vehicle when given order CAROM
A daughter overlooked by son is out of sorts SAD
Sailors in flat-bottomed boat showing heart KERNEL
Lunar domain — no sea, awfully lumpy NODULAR
What's carried by tutees, say — some submissions to tutor? ESSAYS
Carry piece of sound equipment suggestive of ritual? TOTEMIC
Thief beats up beloved in Paris SNATCHER
Absolute order RANK
Play around as one fitting tobacco into pipe? TAMPER
One seeking perfection? One limited by silly details IDEALIST
Knight, slippery type entertained by monarch, is showing obeisance KNEELING
City torn apart when captured by crazed male MONTREAL