The Times Cryptic - Crossword Answers | 2021 05 26

crossword answers
Clue Answer
Collector opposed mine, right away ANTIQUARY
Current measure in Soho upset cleaner SHAMPOO
Element of watery discharge swamping part of UK RHENIUM
English judge inspires fighter to leave country EMIGRATE
Flies before noon found in deep litter JETSAM
Girl's back impeding soldier's view from premises SYLLOGISM
Green where spring water comes from, seen travelling west NAIVE
Group punching glib country fan PATRIOT
Hide needlework display in Edinburgh TATTOO
Lift remains of drink HEELTAP
Like Simon or Herb SIMPLE
Notice dispute off course ADRIFT
Sword penetrates a breast — just part of it SABRE
The best ointment? CREAM
Wasted energy involves everyone as a rule GENERALLY
Where to drink during November INN
Coach line supporter SLEEPER
Bung joint in bloke's case BRIBE
Random 'Notes on a Small Island' seen in Circle Line OCCASIONAL
Respect quartet I left in town CIVILITY
Run under superb service tree ACER
State of old character residing in British India BRUNEI
Resin supplied by servant releasing key LAC
Mechanic showing skill if joined by decorator ARTIFICER
Looked to have organ around church GLANCED
Joining a couple of hundred, accompanied by rebellious noises ACCESSION
Farmer, an Argentinian who fought between rivers RANCHER
Couple who wrote American novels? TWAIN
Conservative on mission for mastery CONQUEST
Boy, turning ten, always poetic as writer of verse SONNETEER
Apply to go up and down REFER
A bad person in charge holds me up at university? ACADEMIC
They reflect action sure to curb traffic primarily cats-eyes
Holy figureheads transformed into Spartans PATRON SAINTS
Occupants of house provided in scruffy 28 LIFE PEERS
Deposit, say, posh pharmacist in Hebridean stack LUMP SUM
Squirm on TV and lie about dummy act VENTRILOQUISM
Numbers including crazy folk who can't settle? NOMADS