The Times Cryptic - Crossword Answers | 2021 06 23

crossword answers
Clue Answer
Give a ring to prince returning figure welcomes ENHALO
I see rifle almost raised in WWI campaign GALLIPOLI
It's a wonder Biblical figure blocks sink up PYRAMID
New money must include a plutocrat NABOB
Official recalled film full of hot passion FERVID
Old hand in part shepherds one learner: it may bear fruit oil palm
One may invest in more rococo houses FINANCIER
Perhaps put polish on or polish off FINISH
Track to follow round peaks where fruit grows ORANGERY
Travelling off, I repeatedly wintered in port? FORTIFIED WINE
Wave combination in pools PERM
Also carrying suitcase for island TOBAGO
By oneself, holding hat for gangster AL CAPONE
Face extremely greasy — it's humid MUGGY
Grenade is being tossed — get ready! EN GARDE
Hide Theseus and Ariadne, ultimately, above minotaur's home SECRETE
Idiotic lists we developed WITLESS
In addition, charity produces sacred songs PSALMS
Ladies and gents beginning to exercise for free LOOSE
Leader of Samurai in tree by a Japanese city OSAKA
Liszt lawsuit holds back piece of music WALTZ
Look! Game includes new monster's lair LOCH NESS
Metal unknown in Canada, at first ZINC
Modern England, few changes NEWFANGLED
Procure license to conceal artifact RELIC
River travellers not starting dessert AFTERS
Smoker's accessory lost around hotel ASHTRAY
Spiritual healer's bogus article SHAMAN
Spoils instrument in retrospect LOOT
Suddenly attack ruffian hugging tree LASH OUT
Sweatier when swimming, so to speak AS IT WERE
Thomas, we messed up a bit SOMEWHAT
Left part of Europe for part of Africa LIBERIA
German's relative has handy habit around food YIDDISH
Dope's home telephone INTEL
Born writer tucked into tasty bit of bread once NINEPENCE
Boastful fixing end component where screwdriver may be had? cocktail party
Attire for teen, one on beat boxes BOBBYSOCKS
Art of homeware dealer hemming raised collar IKEBANA
Aide receiving a service and fabulous treatment PANACEA
Abroad, plonk last of bread on potato curry VINDALOO
A little work in green grass pile LIMERICK