The Times Cryptic - Crossword Answers | 2021 07 22

crossword answers
Clue Answer
At home, hence girl included in bequest INHERITANCE
Been at march, lively? Wait here perhaps ANTECHAMBER
Cry about river squabble BRAWL
Delayed because of wet, we hear OVERDUE
Delight of good sheltered place GLEE
Dog, company ultimately for soldier CORGI
English name, actor, regularly referring to repeat performance ENCORE
French article, popular monk’s garment, editor finds lifeless? UNINHABITED
Gradually stop using taphouse after review phase out
Maybe criminal group fights here RING
On return, deduces pounds must go inside, hidden SECLUDED
Opportunist in part of church changing direction CHANCER
Part of play I have shortened, being busy ACTIVE
Postpone sentence of agent brought to Rhode Island day before REPRIEVE
Sparkle in castle lit for a change SCINTILLATE
Worker evoking Arden era to some extent GARDENER
What an expert knows related in special paper onion skin
Type article out of disgust? VERSION
Totalled a large amount SLEW
Scout in park descending on church RECCE
Revealing article about state of Raleigh’s carelessness NEGLIGENCE
Press learning of mischief? IMPLORE
Large leaks from tanks affected people FOPS
From trailer’s picked up dresser of wood ADZE
Distinctive sound coming from pub, I note PHONEME
Clement largely in December, after vacation turning unsettled RATTLED
Very little to go on, ultimately, in adolescent years teeny-weeny
Flier from prior age, nicer somehow CARRIER PIGEON
Laugh loudly — quite a fit! FALL ABOUT
Liverpool’s two sides are so evenly matched? fifty-fifty