The Times Cryptic - Crossword Answers | 2021 07 30

crossword answers
Clue Answer
Not always where top columnists work? AT TIMES
One grazing animals gets air exercising AGISTER
Pioneering Russian paper set up in advance GAGARIN
Provocative church featured in local chronicle INCENDIARY
Rugby player hits low note, roughly a fortnightly occurrence half-moon
Ships seized by war-mad admiral? ARMADA
Strikers on team? Not likely! OUTSIDE
Turned back, being hurt again? REWOUND
Twelve back-to-back refusals NOON
Vagrant blacked out a lot BUCKETLOAD
A vicar agog to recollect old master CARAVAGGIO
Check what I’m carrying; I have no idea SEARCH ME
Complain as old boy caught in stream OBJECT
Europeans come in to take action against Africans SUDANESE
Farm animal fed hot food CHOW
From ends of road have taken away refuse DENY
Go over part of East End showing weapon CROSSBOW
Highest standard, good and ancient GOLD
In which one chooses not to be whipped? free vote
In which to transport quality champagne? VINTAGE CAR
Large group live very badly finally BEVY
Not very good doctor about to introduce oxygen MEDIOCRE
Notice Mike appear SEEM
One not really responsible for scarecrow perhaps man of straw
Runs external computer device ROUTER
Nosily picks up small coins SCENTS
My investment company's base I SAY
Mr Ed supporting son who's standing provokingly? stalking-horse
Missile turned over HQ, crossing river TORPEDO
Leader leaves men in dry shelter TENT
Last of seamen to swig drink NOG
Innovative artists in revolutionary city flourish NEW WAVE
I'm off to appraise housing development ESTATE
Forest close to airport burning ARDENT
Face villain failing to initiate exchange DIALOGUE
Celebrated dynasty SUNG
Butt from corner disposed of outside area HOGSHEAD
Breeder runs many dodgy houses I hesitate to say NURSERYMAN
A barrister recalled eponymous heroine before 6 once ack-emma
Upset a small pie TURNOVER
Toy bear losing head in whirlpool EDDY
Stretch out at first in elegant manoeuvring ELONGATE