The Times Cryptic - Crossword Answers | 2021 08 23

crossword answers
Clue Answer
Dreary poet returns DRAB
Excellent outlay including pound I’d added SPLENDID
Fail to develop stage, involving nationalist just briefly STAGNATE
Falterer on regular basis? Run away FLEE
In Chile, a perfect spring LEAP
Lecturer’s indication of agreement written about DON
Like dog’s home, stick around! CANINE
Make mistake in The Star Chamber finally ERR
Organized trip in historic French town left unfinished TOUR
Referring to river bank rain pair recollected RIPARIAN
Snake on street? Exaggerated statement maybe BOAST
This girl’s relative edges round Iowa SONIA
Tired and tied DRAWN
Unfortunate inertia over railway travel plan ITINERARY
What must be paid, lavish, expensive, vexes you at outset LEVY
A fence I’d altered leading to opposition DEFIANCE
A club riot in retrospect — shambles! ABATTOIR
Struggle between two parties of right and left DUEL
Small sum we might invest in American prospector SOURDOUGH
Roving about domain? NOMADIC
Rising in singular haste INSURGENCY
Representation changes area to old city used by pirates port royal
Look to return in army post where duty is relaxed free port
House has permit rejected for commercial accommodation HOTEL
Fierce woman knocking alcohol back — concerning GORGON
Cortege, oddly quiet and slow movement CREEP
English politician secures bottles maybe EMPTIES
Captain dropping very soft sportsman in Winter Olympics SKIER
Demanded changes after Mike leaves cul-de-sac DEAD END
The whole prison sentence, unsurpassed up to now all-time
Chap who finally encountered Queen in Tube under some pressure? MANOMETER
Little fish: young child has swapped ring for one TIDDLER
Second fine fabric artist MONET
White brandy is in per cent over PISCO
After review Serb pays possible witness passer-by
Concerning swindle, company is to check again RECONFIRM
I love very big problem coming up for dictator MUSSOLINI
Bond’s enemies succeeded — runs into snare SMERSH