The Times Cryptic - Crossword Answers | 2021 09 03

crossword answers
Clue Answer
A match in Zoroastrian writings collection AVESTA
Are such blows seen in good jousting practice? GLANCING
Bible book shows last character in generation EZRA
Costume seen immediately following tango? UNIFORM
Farm labourer holding hearts in game PHEASANT
Gin neat when skipping tonic GENTIAN
Gossip and argument against lawyer one gets crush on ANACONDA
It’s free to be immersed in river in Knock DERIDE
Lose brightness like small mountain lake? TARNISH
Lusty creature in a Roman street for local birds AVIFAUNA
Member states made no changes in old Arabian port eudaemon
Memorial has significance probed by character abroad MONUMENT
PM's counterpart entered Miami given order ante meridiem
Problems filling hole up where land slopes HILLSIDE
Scottish island returned to king whose role is telling NARRATOR
Simplified language broadcast for baby PIGEON
Slander girl in drinking establishment BESMEAR
State secrets held in British workshop? BLAB
Tree feller an elected council member ALDERMAN
Versatile stadium boxer whipped AMBIDEXTROUS
Voracious female in staff restaurant closing early man-eater
A little grape, a ripe fruit PEAR
Advised in fighting retreat having to be reversed WARNED
After work can choose to take part OPT IN
Country clipped its old coin FRANC
Doctor was not bad WATSON
In helpful spirit, one financing our competitor? GUARDIAN ANGEL
Introduction before gentle walk PREAMBLE
Japanese fighting finish in knockout KENDO
Like gardens to be asymmetrical ASKEW
Little pressure to mourn WEEP
London statue painful to knock over EROS
Native American leaving hospital fast APACE
Organise time in factory PLANT
Physical structure of a defensive alliance: goodness! ANATOMY
Safe signal fully understood ALL CLEAR
Supply a fine car AFFORD
Take exercise, a drug DOPE
Thinks tragedy out of order — prospect of a fine day? red sky at night