The Times Cryptic - Crossword Answers | 2021 09 07

crossword answers
Clue Answer
Crooked city alarms me when rebuilt ASYMMETRICAL
A cold fish accepting she shows weakness ACHILLES HEEL
Your compiler’s turn to catch a butterfly perhaps IMAGO
Hard nut in bad accident hit-and-run
Inexperienced eco-politician GREEN
Endlessly long story is flop SAG
Appropriate to support Her Majesty PROPER
Talk tediously about old whale killer HARPOON
European in marquee establishes principle TENET
Runs to escape bad-tempered elk MOOSE
Short girl starts to revel in race for water treatment CHLORINATION
Set fire to brown coal left unused IGNITE
Clergyman bringing six to vehicle VICAR
Sale in pub invaded by extreme characters first of all BAZAAR
Rascally con attracting cry of irritation once SCAMPISH
Quiet girl absorbing a film PATINA
Butcher's no good for pop LANCE
Meat traveller brought back in covered basket HAMPER
Marriageable bachelor meeting Greek character on French island NUBILE
To term clerics eccentric creates great disturbance electric storm
Left in Paris? That's awkward! GAUCHE
Old man died in flat PAD
Stir made by platoon leader originally wearing symbol of rank SPLASH
Conspicuous source of information, say, taken in at once, almost PROMINENT
Spray son parking in heap of snow SPINDRIFT
A male attorney climbing in front AHEAD
Villain needs second to enter study DEMON
One as eligible keeps artistic support? EASEL
Top criminal seizing power SPINNER
Pub brings in satellite after opening? It's born of necessity! INVENTION
Sapwood in vessel featuring in book ALBURNUM
Outstanding feature of church fenced in by popular duke INSPIRED
Legal defendant’s false statement about femme fatale? LIBELLEE
In nervous state, having a modest bet AFLUTTER
Gold only found in old lady’s stately tomb MAUSOLEUM
Doctor met it in Verdi compositions DIVERTIMENTI
Capital worker, one tucking into starchy pudding SANTIAGO
Written in Sanskrit, he takes letter to Greeks THETA