The Times Cryptic - Crossword Answers | 2021 09 16

crossword answers
Clue Answer
Needle for example for canine? POINTER
One overwhelmed by blow where justice doesn't prevail MISTRIAL
Picture physician after shaving cat OCTOPUSSY
Rank rising sharply? SHEER
Relative bringing Ghanaian diplomat up NANNA
Set day between sun and moon RADIO
Sodden and dishevelled, get pulled round back of hovel BEDRAGGLED
African country's former coin GUINEA
Beer of kings served up LAGER
Cared about tree CEDAR
Fixes unstarted conclusions ENDS
Jockey's amendment RIDER
Recall crumbling basement CELLAR
Sack covers top of luxury car part AXLE
Small dog eats large piece of fruit? PULP
Superhero's accessory conceals an appetizer CANAPE
Temperature inside nerve cell particle NEUTRON
Toddler's request, perhaps — a stiff drink? pick-me-up
My vicar's cigar? holy smoke
Minister, one having arrived at pulpit, initially? PREACHER
Kneel on ground clasping back of limb, behind a lower body part ankle bone
Intimate last few hours of working week? FRIEND
For example, copper kettle has one ELEMENT
Fish seller hooking customer, finally TROUT
First of Franciscans approaching giant screens, when vespers observed? NIGHTFALL
Experience heavy blow, as would Oscars attendee? see stars
Deeply distressed, share being over? CUT UP
Dance: fifty entertained by it, repeatedly SALSA
Course went on, reportedly? ROAD
Constituency or housing association's ultimate politician SENATOR
Clear salt on crack ABSOLVE
Calling for fines, so furious PROFESSION
Blank — unlike 21 across? EXPRESSIONLESS
One fighting to grab a pencil's lead — it can be used for doodling SCRAP PAPER
Food from old king's rule? COLESLAW
A tango Elgar composed for free AT LARGE
Dark ultimately — terribly early start — to get to US island KEY LARGO
Drive home, smashing gate on bridge GET ACROSS
Excited on anticipating a style of art action painting
Releases plenty of product for testing FREE SAMPLE