The Times Cryptic - Crossword Answers | 2021 10 19

crossword answers
Clue Answer
A run time reset is deliberate RUMINATE
Amusing woman’s invitation to stop over November ends in union and marriage COMEDIENNE
Caught express to get fast boat CUTTER
Concern in Worcestershire rising unsettling rural figure SCARECROW
Craze over Portuguese song FADO
Crooked western madam in early American settlement new amsterdam
European force repeatedly once inspiring dread around Britain’s heart but repelled? LUFTWAFFE
Farm animal is present intended to be given to daughter HEREFORD
Flower is good in territory’s first flag TIGRIS
Middle of April or earlier PRIOR
Note celebrities distinguished by few features MINIMALIST
One holding lecture in public UNCLASSIFIED
Provision to leave space, as clue confused editor initially ESCAPE CLAUSE
Republican? I would rave, perhaps, for removal RIDDANCE
Showing an innocence one found in large part of church NAIVE
Sorry self-importance is elevated in rigged Capitol APOLOGETIC
Spirit — a small measure fellow’s consumed DAEMON
Style of metre poem follows MODE
Voice alarm about European aviation business air freight
Ward’s fine goal FEND
Battered sword in house WINDSOR
Crude trader I left in sultanate OILMAN
Done, a Milanese dish? PASTA
Felt wrong, not right! LEFT
Friend covers it up after I copy someone IMITATE
Good considerable number work hard GRAFT
It's for broken sink, primarily first of all
Long story a source of joy when upset SAGA
Measurement across tier made in error DIAMETER
Number in hibernation in effect NINE
Offensive uprising REVOLTING
Reportedly, seat of power discarded THROWN
Resort in desert for hotel guest RESIDENT
Time in New York, jangling TINNY
Unfriendly: piscatorial? OFFISH
Union paper ripped up? CONFETTI
What's sparkling, daddy? POP
Whipped cream isn't for rascal MISCREANT
Wine bottles in for orchestra member CLARINET