The Times Cryptic - Crossword Answers | 2021 10 27

crossword answers
Clue Answer
Bad, mad true drunk is portrayed in outline ADUMBRATED
Bringing up son — no good providing fruity nibbles? RAISINS
Does tar at sea notice possible place for anchorage? ROADSTEAD
Homeless gent must be heard immediately straight off
Like a number commonly seen having a coffee ARABICA
Making better sermon, perhaps, after declaration by priest? AMELIORATION
Not all heard rumours — one's needed to listen! EARDRUM
President as leader of Republicans featured in article PIERCE
Rants, seeing no one does business TRADES
Stick raised for attack MUG
Those folk, hard to miss, quietly spoken, and not around for long TEMPORAL
Trouble squashing publicity when bloomers become evident? APRIL
We dart and tear around hopelessly — and fail to progress TREAD WATER
What accounts for insect being drunk maybe — or cow? RUMINANT
What could be a drape where troops assemble parade ground
What one discusses is tailless antelope TOPI
Better way, reportedly, to produce a salad ingredient? BEETROOT
Black and silver pouch BAG
Left, went on holiday? took ones leave
Landlord in centre of Rugby won't fancy an empty place GHOST TOWN
Frenchman and wife make a fresh start RENEW
Close to tears, short person in pain from running STITCH
Distinctive smell in Faro market AROMA
Eccentric, unpaired prior to social event ODDBALL
Embargo on unconventional missile BOOMERANG
Endless finance for entertainment FUN
Fiasco as large taxi reversed into river DEBACLE
Financial Times carrying excellent feature FACET
Firm’s short stockings TIGHT
Genuine scare, heading off RIGHT
Heavenly body seen in gym across narrow road PLANET
Italian tourist destination in Ransome novel SAN REMO
Joy needs shelter after onset of gale GLEE
Lazy person finished round middle of afternoon DRONE
Thoughtfully consider friend about to prepare for publication MEDITATE
Young cow kept in local farm CALF