The Times Cryptic - Crossword Answers | 2021 11 02

crossword answers
Clue Answer
A large pest keeps quiet in poor accommodation ALMSHOUSE
Appear to control car trade COMMERCE
Constituent very nearly claims overtime VOTER
Cool quartet in past maybe concentrated INTENSIVE
Cut across road following flag's course IRISH STEW
Distance, say, a cart must be raised YARDAGE
French consul's personal refusal to admit a European NAPOLEON
Good book in head office beginning to cause mayhem HAVOC
Her mascot displayed front cover once STOMACHER
Hold firm’s ambassador in centre COHERE
Holding back on shelter before a quarter past four RETENTIVE
Idle investor makes a hash of representing pal sleeping partner
Our group at university tracks shark's activity USURY
Perhaps tablet's best after drink LAPTOP
Plan to avoid returning after school SCHEDULE
Protective wear an essential part of Inca's quest casques
Small copper line on celebrity's dishwasher? SCULLION
Tot's vocal power MIGHT
Photograph game SNAP
Upset, your party hosts stop talking DRY UP
Venetian school master ignores current big noise TITAN
Wuss in mummy's pocket primarily? WIMP
Account for former partner of homely aspect EXPLAIN
Afflicted former nurse concealing subterfuge STRICKEN
Anxiety caused by arrest APPREHENSION
Bridge-player missing beginning of banquet EAST
Danger of rising anger in political extremists PERIL
Deadly obstruction originally hampering almost everyone LETHAL
Fashionable church feature dean primarily motivated INSPIRED
Go across island, reaching Italian city TURIN
Offender’s supper finally eaten by chef CROOK
One-sided version of a Latin rule UNILATERAL
Politician vexed over new church stopping alcoholic drink cross-bencher
Small amount of study initially having importance SMATTERING
Songbird Greek character found on roofing material NUTHATCH
Uncrystallised sugar produced by Missouri girls MOLASSES
Woman’s husband caught in fire, perhaps HEATHER