The Times Cryptic - Crossword Answers | 2021 11 11

crossword answers
Clue Answer
A bitter drunk — it may go to cardinal's head BIRETTA
Daughter must leave expensive organ EAR
Delete part of chapter, as expected ERASE
Frightful bores, sedate and rational SOBER
Furious, judge after one IRATE
Grey coat, out of place in class CATEGORY
Has girl confused about an imaginary paradise shangri-la
Having little or no rain in Kalahari Desert ARID
Head pupil at Eton, say, may get a pantomime role principal boy
Lift boy picked up FILLIP
Put on leg pad, ultimately STAGED
Royal domain in actual miles REALM
Story involving British item of furniture TABLE
Went out, being no longer fashionable DATED
What can make salt last? ANAGRAM
Worry about featuring in paper FRET
Weaken a magnet when picked up ABATE
Vitriolic sodium or calcium symbolically mixed mordacious
Twice old guards left Iberian city OPORTO
Treacheries scuppered if I listened in, mostly INFIDELITIES
Starts joint exit illicitly during service jump ship
Son, no longer effective, determined to quit sworn off
Roof opening to allow passage of beams SKYLIGHT
Request for exemption from noble marquise on vacation abroad count me out
Release article rejected by BBC UNTIE
Regular winter visitor on voyage told of Californian resort SANTA CRUZ
Poser, easy one SITTER
Party reflected my family's quality ODOUR
Multinational blocked by current worker involving two factions BIPARTISAN
Low bar ultimately fell MOOR
Heartless harassed men on board lose control GO TO PIECES
Being critical of second boozer's action knocking back
Barely fitting JUST
Mixture of mostly tropical fruit APRICOT
Soldier, in consequence, left umbrella PARASOL