The Times Cryptic - Crossword Answers | 2021 11 15

crossword answers
Clue Answer
US city taking ages to welcome English king YONKERS
Visible capacity for understanding INSIGHT
Where cattle may be kept near river Exe at first BYRE
Self-inflicted damage to have end OWN GOAL
Mean to get sloshed TIGHT
Blade waved about by Mike in confused situation BEDLAM
Complaints caused by Conservative-Liberal relationship CLAMOUR
Delight shown by wife over permit WALLOW
Field event record set by American DISCUS
Figures showing increase has desired effect WAXWORKS
Fish carried in steamship for parties SIDES
Maybe Universal Credit has advantage BENEFIT
Posh bird mentioned African country UGANDA
Possible excuse for missing court appearance? TENNIS ELBOW
English vehicles for Welshman? EVANS
His order has changed for condiment HORSERADISH
Ceremony after time becomes banal TRITE
Sentimental sports supporter keeping wicket TWEE
Family butcher's business? flesh and blood
All-out action? GENERAL STRIKE
Subject to update from bank? That’s putting it mildly UNDERSTATEMENT
Signed too much, having too many clients OVERSUBSCRIBED
Seriously bring in new style EARNESTLY
Scottish island’s current proprietor mentioned in speech IONA
Rock plant! Want lover replaced! NAVELWORT
Performer, one who’s rational about one in court RECITALIST
Operatic heroine, not quite typical NORMA
Importuner ultimately serving a long time in prison cell DUNGEON
Ill-fated high-flyer in charge of a sport stadium originally ICARUS
Fine plan, regularly collecting cash for floral ornament FLEURON
Eg Christmas fastener broken by a young relative SEASONAL
Dull quality of poet backed by head DRABNESS
Cautious about girl serving wine CHARDONNAY
Blooming troll finally dismissed, like Erica HEATHY