The Times Cryptic - Crossword Answers | 2021 11 22

crossword answers
Clue Answer
A crude tablet possibly erected in place of worship GURDWARA
Admire a carer, endlessly out to bring friendship CAMARADERIE
After short time cricket side gets significant number of runs TON
Be silent now about member's trouble TENNIS ELBOW
Bit of speech conveyed by telephone message PHONEME
Care to protect church ground MINCED
Dad is one looking untidy — given a coat ANODISED
Fellow attending one finding accompaniment for 4? CHAPATI
Fruit plantation in old farm close to railway ORANGERY
Good-looking girl gets ring — first sign of engagement BELLE
Gruff son watched what his deferential sister might have done? CURTSEYED
Head of school deficient, not working hard enough SLACKING
Host not right to appear in minimal attire? THONG
Immature insect in mountain flower, right inside LARVA
Notice learner receiving star presented by officer ADMIRAL
Occupying position of king in charge of subject TOPIC
Produced fabricated info about American university LIMITED
Refusing to acknowledge drinking, is getting drunk DISOWNING
Small island needing a technology for modern communications AIT
This writer initially looking depressed becomes cheery MELLOW
Very briefly, I spoilt child, having got old and wobbly VIBRATO
Virgin shows skills, overtaking old record company ARTEMIS
What I can do for ’Arry! EAR
Way out, for example, on ship EGRESS
Surpass old cubicle, so to speak EXCEL
Sudden increase in twilled fabric, we hear SURGE
Soft cheese fly must abandon shortly BRIE
Small vessel seen in Channel Island SARK
Salutation knocked back graduate, sad to say SALAAM
Reduced price for salad ingredient COS
Married in former nurse’s part of Scandinavia SWEDEN
Marine animal’s nasty smell — in sea, mostly SPONGE
Manage to be straightforward DIRECT
Fellow sailor transported him as pet SHIPMATE
Extend across top of seagoing vessel SPAN
Expression used in Outer Mongolia TERM
Exam held in manor, always ORAL
Entertained underwater explorer, male DIVERTED
Bishop at hotel in West Country city BATH
Berliner, perhaps, almost suitable GERMAN