The Times Cryptic - Crossword Answers | 2021 11 24

crossword answers
Clue Answer
Asleep, chap in Dortmund half gone DORMANT
Breakfast time in prison PORRIDGE
Country broadcasting serial ISRAEL
Difficult situation spinners turned around SPOT
Eat less, digging in every Tuesday, initially DIET
Fine cooked meal, wicked! FIENDISH
Hint: it's a long stick CUE
Idle person pinching one’s file DOSSIER
If not white, rose replaced OTHERWISE
Link in card game? BRIDGE
Musical work penned by bishop, erased OPERA
Parent, I fancy, creative type PAINTER
Perfect example in English, very good book EPITOME
Planet spun on axis, reportedly? WORLD
Prediction by a Greek character BETA
Runner cutting layer of tissue SKI
Rush, better plant SPEEDWELL
Singer in choir, one tarted up TENOR
Snail set off carrying load ESCARGOT
Top actor knocking scoundrels over STAR
African native given a set of books to carry ANTBEAR
Bishops left US airports I’d left, surprisingly Lords Spiritual
Continental character setting up a male publication GAMMA
Curious about current emitting loud sound NOISY
Current measure blocking fashion for disorderly behaviour RAMPAGE
Dark period man on board reported NIGHT
Darkish-coloured pan Lady Jane possibly used? slate-grey
Discernment of staff originally employed in gallery TASTE
Endless longing for painkiller ASPIRIN
European capital initially involved in urchin’s discharge BRATISLAVA
Go too far past stretch of river OVERREACH
Head off duck trapping seabird — it’s never-ending! ETERNAL
I share in light meal comprising two elements BIPARTITE
Most appropriate accommodation for a farm animal BEAST
One-time citizen’s infant boy consuming half of capital BABYLONIAN
Period in Alabama principally surveying transport hubs TERMINALS
Plant a great number around university LOTUS
Rascal caught in narrow channel on lake SCOUNDREL
Remove arms from girl’s political representative? DISMEMBER
Sister’s position: not one picked up by poet NUNHOOD
Slovenly nature of old nurse drinking coffee at bar on ship SLATTERNLINESS
Solitary-sounding advance LOAN
Wading bird changes colour TURNSTONE
Where a cobbler may be, missing Times unfortunately ALAS