The Times Cryptic - Crossword Answers | 2021 11 30

crossword answers
Clue Answer
Coppers accepting a new punishment PENANCE
Daughter in wig perhaps, having dropped an E? DRUGGED
Drugs making you a prima donna? HEROINE
Examined closely, as swordfish might be? GRILLED
Head office exploiting position in Barbican perhaps HOUSING ESTATE
Holy man in French island uprising ELI
Lawgiver playing part in generalissimo’s escape MOSES
Layabout upset by occasionally chaotic dancers BOLSHOI
Lusty deb drooled horribly red-blooded
Music-maker’s poetic invocation of lover in recital? OBOE
Possibly bitter about China supporter befriender
Response to expulsion by university admitting not so much bless you
S for sovereign? head of state
Sinister Tory lord returning at start of year CREEPY
Those curious poker yarns scoundrel initially concocted nosy parkers
Top-class teacher having a lie-in? ABED
Alcoholic drink disappeared, tipped up — around two gallons EGGNOG
Aquatic conveyance right behind RAFT
Christmas delivery vehicle butcher mentioned SLEIGH
Dull floor covering MAT
Fashionable electric vehicles backed SMART
Gemstone, minute, received by dodgy dealer EMERALD
Greek character runs house RHO
Hat on Yankee supporting aristocrat's football club derby county
Hospital doctor from triage's moving into middle of Harrow REGISTRAR
Modest business year COY
Old Royal Marine probing grandma's regional dialect NORMAN
Pictures usually seen here right inside cooking area GALLERY
Point above large church somewhere in central London WESTMINSTER
Polish in command initially on ancient boundary RUBICON
Pre-adolescent child, affectedly quaint, developed anger TWEENAGER
Reasonable to circulate learner's talent FLAIR
Children resulting from affair? ISSUE
Beginner abandons most demanding challenge EVEREST
Ailment dispatching commanding officer? How awful! UGH
A bishop trapped by two men in tangled vegetation CHAPARRAL
Regret rugby game's ending RUE
Section of steel finial small and delicate ELFIN
Tall animal's error crossing one river GIRAFFE
The Spanish bend part of arm ELBOW