The Times Cryptic - Crossword Answers | 2021 12 01

crossword answers
Clue Answer
Good Scottish man to avoid French island cruise? guided missile
Hound someone to set situation straight? RETRIEVER
Instrument getting fish on line string bass
Learner driver on two wheels for convenience? LOO
Little son carrying weight SMATTERING
Measure in sections bending rule time and time again TRIANGULATE
Note in Rule Ten wrong about competition at court LAWN TENNIS
Physicist at last uncovered huge gravitational force TUG
Powerful symbol used regularly in mezangelle EAGLE
Queen playing Free Bird in six counties? NEFERTITI
Sailor introduced to African as believer in free will LIBERTARIAN
Spanish runner clutches at relationship RATIO
Spirit level in a mine brought to one working APPARITION
Traveller involved primarily in china and metal CHROMIUM
Welcome account — one saying little about India ACCLAIM
Bet against unprofessional song LAY
Blooming team! Not yet in! OUTSIDE
Composure of model touring India POISE
Correct manner needing rewrite of tweet? Quite — not woke at first ETIQUETTE
Entertainer’s routine including leading pairs from Rome ballet ACROBAT
Feel a spa boss is spinning old tales from Greece AESOPS FABLES
Flush, no end, wager disreputable guy is one who travels a lot GLOBETROTTER
Having brought Yankee in, locate exotic follower ACOLYTE
Learned one ultimately insulting about Information Technology ERUDITE
Love street full of comic potential? It won’t fly! OSTRICH
Marker at sea young lad picked up BUOY
Physical Training incorporating popular drink PINT
Publicize policy for carrier AIRLINE
Rose writes beer off SWEETBRIER
Self-willed boss, wrong to see wife as saint? HEADSTRONG
One leaving whole sheep's heart in dish ENTREE
Gardens conveyed in painting — Appian's first ARBORETA
Dumpy, small, unfortunate: close to collapse inside SHAPELESS