The Times Cryptic - Crossword Answers | 2021 12 13

crossword answers
Clue Answer
A broadcast outside more costly: help from abroad found? AU PAIR
Batting ruse team judge to be disrespectful INCONSIDERATE
Bore put up contribution to ground rent NERD
Bread roll: start to bake a set BAGEL
Church of England admitting fine English cup's a drink dispenser COFFEEPOT
Ducks circle outskirts of small city OSLO
Foresight of French invading region PROVIDENCE
Peacenik competent for part of term COEFFICIENT
Pick scruffy lovelorn Rumpole to inspire court PLECTRUM
Picked up second person's stock item EWE
Put away articles husband left out ATE
Reported Thamessider’s cultivated fuzz EYEBROW
See about, say, dedicated lines ELEGY
Stars host introduction to solemn prayer ORISON
Strict rule: radio has to impress Yankee TYRANNY
The first gag could be what unnerves performer STAGE FRIGHT
What mature people pay to import eastern lace? ADULTERATE
A line she’s rewritten in Sri Lankan language SINHALESE
Appalling treatment in resuscitation room? SHOCKING
Be sick, alcoholic drink being spoken of AIL
Cover over open-air swimming pool LIDO
Escape? I don’t believe you! GET AWAY
In fiction, an inspector on public transport REBUS
Island contributing to risky enterprise SKYE
Lightly cooked? It’s not common RARE
Love affair rocking Cremona ROMANCE
Mean street in outskirts of Grimsby STINGY
Mournful bloke weighed down by scheme PLANGENT
Nocturnal primate girl observed crossing river LORIS
One stopping to get an item of tack HALTER
Onset of terrible pain in artist’s windpipe TRACHEA
Perfect declaration of one distributing cards IDEAL
Sailor’s article about popular liqueur ABSINTHE
Stiffener celebrity required before church STARCH
Tunnel Abe engineered, impossible to defend UNTENABLE
Union leader overwhelmed by British politician’s impact BUMP
Urchin knocked back fish and a toasted cake RAGAMUFFIN
What lovers sometimes do in Handel operas ELOPE
When eventually in credit, girl gets squeeze-box CONCERTINA