The Times Cryptic - Crossword Answers | 2021 12 28

crossword answers
Clue Answer
They drew roars, flying around? RED ARROWS
To plagiarise writer is out of bounds CRIB
Tried to speak in crowd HERD
What making love spontaneously is doing for sporty pair boxing gloves
While away in resort innate bias may appear IN ABSENTIA
Writer joining a large sort of colony PENAL
A cereal and fruit ACORN
Ace air cadets, possibly circling island and body of water ADRIATIC SEA
Attraction leads to great, long-lasting romance GLAMOUR
Cold space, we’re told RHEUM
Current politician played a role and had influence IMPACTED
Demanding part of process consumes energy STEEP
Extremely reclusive mammal is close again RESEAL
Go and settle around California golden state
Happy nurse, say, almost off duty CAREFREE
Huge salaries ultimately swallowed up by tax VAST
Not looking forward to days studying DREADING
One advising me to start to relax around noon MENTOR
Papers maybe left alongside entrance to executive lounge IDLE
Pose as one individual in couple IMPERSONATE
Quashes issue from a previous relationship? STEPSON
Rickety train touring a European city TIRANA
Rucksack carried by climber, generally BERGEN
Tears flowing about man and woman THERESA
Turn out always on time EVERT
Shadowed, holding gun, and got dangerously close TAILGATED
Ruin satellite reception here DISH
Risk failure, having excelled in America in courage push ones luck
Power in Spooner to convert inmates here OPEN PRISON
Miser’s choice for going on ice? CHEAPSKATE
Like motorist’s hi-fi: not right for an ancient person INCA
High-level connection brigadier organised air bridge
Grand reception at small hotel a novelty INNOVATION
Coins but not notes? HARD CURRENCY
Attractive girl caught you texting a link CUTIE
Afternoon paper? EXAM
A medic seen regularly at a queue for hormone ADRENALINE
A little software distributed round vehicle, one proverbially unstable APPLE CART
A driving hazard, in two ways MIST