The Times Cryptic - Crossword Answers | 2022 01 25

crossword answers
Clue Answer
A little gem is only paste MISO
Appointment offers fortune, on paper time slot
Died fighting shark for example of unusual size DWARFISH
Fairly broad pepper pot, for one WIDISH
Front half of bicycle is a shade of brown TAN
Group of animals bidding farewell to paradise? EDENTATA
Hesitate, being lawyer, to put husband last UM AND AH
Horse roundly beaten in fearful fashion HORRENDOUSLY
Hostile soldier maybe touching one arrested ANTIPATHETIC
In a small pond, picked up litres in wooden butt APRIL FOOL
Like some fruit, orange finally having fallen open CANDID
Make footballers out of form fear cut MANUFACTURE
Narrative about love in classical speech RELATION
Pressure in narrow opening causes rupture SPLIT
Race round, part of a dash SPEEDO
Staff’s shaggy hair cut MAN
Star laughing about for example receiving diamonds RED GIANT
Take meal at a sort of bar and be humiliated eat crow
Twice make knight’s move? Not me BISHOP
Wants linen laundered, several sets here maybe LAWN TENNIS
A profit one more time AGAIN
Amazing soul encapsulating actor Gene BEWILDERING
An instrumental Shakespearean character? VIOLA
Crispy biscuit — or “gatea”? SHORTCAKE
Drop tool AXE
Everyone in denial, lately ALL
Female name in song? CAROL
Fix us some dessert MOUSSE
Gossip just as wicked, initially JAW
He's fit: man working in tunnel underground MINESHAFT
Item as set out in rough calculations ESTIMATES
Jack and I have a dance JIVE
Lass ate appalling condiment, perhaps? sea salt
Least good street behind terrace knocked over WORST
Relevant language, English GERMANE
Sad, like some eyes BLUE
Seat sis mended breaks in Spain SIESTAS
Sign of fierce animal returning in jumbo, elephant LEO
Two items of underwear, most daring BRAVEST
Where might one check in? Look left AIRPORT