The Times Cryptic - Crossword Answers | 2022 02 18

crossword answers
Clue Answer
Got off school in exploit DETRAINED
Excellent facility for bride-to-be's stuff? No! top-drawer
Doughty-sounding old Labour leader HARDIE
Ambassador and a university lecturer face to face head-on
Green leader beginning to make waves EMERALD
German city reds getting excited in small room? DRESDEN
Information being published concerning property contract RELEASE
Endless anger in cheap newspaper RAG
Enchantment for a period of time? SPELL
Salvation Army taken in by more rough-and-ready evangelist? CRUSADER
Saw notice ahead of time ADAGE
Male bird wrecking garden GANDER
Busy type coming to river for drink BEER
Bill as user of letterbox? POSTER
Warning at Caped Crusader's residence earlier CAVEAT
Mum rants terribly, producing oft-repeated phrases MANTRAS
Supporting union, not broken, involving sides in dispute FEDERAL
Place in Germany — you and I arrive on St David's Day WEIMAR
Soak occupied drinking Freixenet at first INFUSE
Pursuing every possibility, despite expectations AFTER ALL
Russian female revolutionary in American election ELENA
Rotten manoeuvres to keep millions in pain TORMENT
Plain in Peru occasionally windy as reported PRAIRIE
Picking up speed, run in at an angle before camber LEARNING CURVE
Perhaps deeply embedded, needing a meal FARINA
Sailor is a knave JACK
Moving supply, hence parts miles off LISSOME
Legally land aquatic reptile, leaving trap TERRA
Start to sample white wine in jar SHOCK
Ecstasy in club for pound BEAT
Beastly healer having zero power to stop VETO
Beam to cut from Lebanese cedar regularly LASER
French article put forward case: right to leave union LEAGUE
Despair's ending — two biblical characters help RELIEVE
Thin film director LEAN
Wee child, one locked in big building BAIRN
Muddle in dining-room MESS
Times collection for a whole year? CALENDAR
Statesman's boys in grand school taking English last GLADSTONE
Service for which you may pick up scooters? VESPERS
Traffic just arriving at mercantile event trade fair
Order placed in shop to send out hot shellfish SCALLOP
Learner opening iron box finds mineral FELSPAR
Approve boomerangs as prepared by native Australian KOALA